chapter 22

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Author's POV

"Baraka, I'm here. And now I'll make you pay for all the sins you've done!"

Baraka somehow still kept his eyes closed. Meanwhile Percy just disappeared out of no where. Gopal wondered where did he go.

"Open your eyes Baraka, I am right here in front of you and now I will make sure to defeat you!" Boboiboy said while pointing towards him.

"What are you waiting for I am in front of you you wanted to kill me didn't you so go ahead" boboiboy kept saying when suddenly baraka opened his eyes.

He growled and attacked him without any warning Boboiboy closed his eyes from the sudden attack but he didn't feel anything.

Y/N gasped at what she witnessed.

Boboiboy slowly opened his eyes and saw someone covering him. Boboiboy gasped.


Amato threw Baraka away.
"It has been a while Oboi" he said looking at his soon with proud face. He could tear up any moment now.

Boboiboy quickly tackled him into a hug.

"Aw" Ying and Yaya awed adoring the father son moment.
"Wait that's Mechamato!" Fang gasped.

"Why are you so shocked?" Gopal asked.
"He is the most popular space warrior! Boboiboy is the son of a founding father of Tapops" Fang explained.
"What is Tapops?" Ying asked.
"I'll explain everything later"

"Uncle Amato!" Y/N also joined the hug.
"I missed you too Y/N" he said while ruffling her hair.

Suddenly Y/N felt a tight grip on her neck. She was pulled out by Baraka as he was choking her.

"Leave her!" Boboiboy shouted.
"Isn't it giving you flashbacks, Amato?" Baraka smirked which made Amato flinch.

Suddenly Baraka was thrown away. Y/N's body was about to hit the ground which made her close her eyes but she felt pair of arms holding her instead.

"How are you, Y/N?" She opened her eyes only to meet the person she wanted the most.
"Papa" she hugged him and started sobbing on his shoulder.

"There there. I am here now. Nothing will happen to you" Pian slowly patted her head to comfort her.

"I'll defeat Baraka!" Boboiboy said but was stopped by his father.
"No Boboiboy, it's not your fight. It's my fight. I have things that I haven't let go of" Amato explained.

"Mom's death?" Boboiboy asked which made Amato eyes go wide. He gasped and looked at him.
"I have my memories back. I know you erased my memories" Boboiboy replied.

Pian looked shocked too. He wondered how did he get his memories back cause Memorybot erased it for a very long time.

"You're gone, Amato!" Baraka yelled and pounced on him. Amato quickly defended himself and started fighting him.

"Listen Boboiboy" Pian called him.
"Yes, uncle Pian"
"Baraka is nothing. It's Percy behind everything. Percy is the one who gives him power and controls him. So if you want to defeat Baraka you just have to kill Percy" Pian explained everything.

"But Percy just left out of nowhere" Y/N mentioned.
"He didn't leave. Percy has invisibility. He is probably here listening to us!" Pian turned around and threw a punch at the air and they heard a scream.

"He is here!" Y/N said pointing at the air.
"Eugh! Hiding now!" Boboiboy turned into fire and attacked him with fireballs which somehow made him visible again.

"Coward! Stop running away and fight me!" Boboiboy turned into Hali and chased after him.

"Thunder Blade!" He slashed him which made him melt into more.

"Huh, that's all you can do Boboiboy?" He smirked.
"So helpless, just like your mother" This clicked a nerve in Boboiboy.

"What did you just say!" He shouted and suddenly Percy noticed a sudden change in his watch.

Boboiboy shouted. "Boboiboy Ice!" Everyone looked at him astonished by his tier 2 element.

"I'll freeze you!" He said as his hand turned into a canon.

Baraka was about to attack Boboiboy to stop him but Amato stopped him from doing so.

"Finish him Boboiboy!" Amato shouted.

"ARCTIC CANON!" He froze the melted the Percy.
"What is this?" Percy tried to move but couldn't.

"Barak, do something!" Percy shouted.
Baraka was going to come but
"Silver Slash! You're not going anywhere!" Pian more like Maskmana attacked him.
"Yea! Teach him some lessons, papa!" Y/N cheered for her father.

"It's the end for you" Boboiboy's watch again glowed showing some signs of a new element.

"Boboiboy light!" Everyone was again astonished by his all new elements.

"It's for you mother" he mumbled.
"Light beam!" He used the beam to break the melted frozen Percy into pieces.

"What is happening? Why can't I join back?" Percy asked.
"Looks like someone didn't study basic science in school" Gopal remarked.

"Ughh" Baraka knelt down as he felt his powers going away.
"Feeling helpless, aren't you?" Amato smirked.

"Let's put this to an end, shall we Son?" Amato said as Boboiboy nodded.

And with one final attack both father son duo finished them off.
Baraka and Percy turned into tiny dust particles which disappeared into air quickly.

Boboiboy sighed and turned back normal again. He fell on the ground feeling exhausted after the use of light element.

"Boboiboy!" Y/N went and helped him to get up.
"Are you fine?" Boboiboy asked.
"Idiot! I should be the one to ask you that!" She replied making him chuckle.

"Good job, son" Amato came and hugged his son whom he missed so much.

"I owe you a proper apology and explanation son"

A/N: I am really bad at writing fight scenes ;-;
Next chapter will be the final ^^

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