Chapter 21

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Author's POV

"Feels like home"
(y/n) said as she got off the train. She kept her arrival a secret so she could surprise everyone.

Specially Fang, she wondered what would be his reaction when he would find out that her parents has agreed to let her stay with him.

She went to Fang's home while mumbling few songs. When she entered the house she started searching for him everywhere but he was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly the TV switched on automatically which made her shock but what shocked her even more was the Baraka's threat.

She quickly ran to Kokotiam to check what's going on. But to her surprise only Tok was there.

"Tok!" She called which made him look at her in shock.
"(y/n), you are back?!" He said happily.
"Yes, I am. But what is going on? Where is Boboiboy?" She asked which made Tok explain everything.

She quickly went to the hospital to check on Boboiboy.

"Miss you are not allowed" A nurse tried to stop her from entering.
"Nuh uh, if you don't want me to steal your job then kindly stay outside" she said and closed the door at her face.

"Oh my" she said as she looked at Boboiboy's face which was now filled with tears.

"Boboiboy" she mumbled and held his hand in order to heal him but somehow it wasn't working.

"Oh he doesn't have any outer injury. Then how am I supposed to heal him" she wondered and she noticed that his temperature was rising.

"Is he also getting sick" she mumbled and placed her hand on his head to check but it suddenly made her black out.

Everything around her turned black which scared her.

"Boboiboy?" She called out but there was no response.
She decided to just walk around and find a way rather than freaking out.
She could see a source of light and ran towards the direction.

She then found herself in an unfamiliar room.
"Where am I?" She whispered and tripped on something.

"What tf" she looked at the thing she tripped on.
"Are these.... vines?" She questioned to herself and looked above which made her shock.

"Boboiboy!" She shouted and tried to remove the vines which covered his body.
"(y/n), you're here. I am so glad" Boboiboy cried.
"Why are you crying? Don't worry, I'll get you out of this" she said and tried to remove those but it didn't work.

"Boboiboy do you feel injured?" She asked.
"No but my head hurts" he replied.
"Of course, everything is in your mind!" She finally cracked the code.

She took a few steps closer to him and placed her hand on his forehead. Everything seemed pitch black but she saw glimpses which shocked her, glimpses of Boboiboy's past.

Suddenly she found herself there, the moment where Boboiboy was on his knees crying as he saw his mother die in his father's arms.

She crouched down and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"(y/n), you're here? You can fix this right? You can save her, right?" Boboiboy asked more like begged for her to say yes.
(y/n) couldn't look at his eyes.
"I am sorry Boboiboy, I can't do anything about it. I can't change the past" this was enough to make him cry. His sobs were really painful to hear.

"But you can change the future, Boboiboy. Let's get out of here." She said which made Boboiboy sigh.
"I can't move. My legs have frozen." He replied.
"Not anymore. I will get you out of here." She said and grabbed his arm.
"To the present!" She pulled his entire body.

(y/n)'s body jolt up as she founds herself in the hospital. She looks ahead and sees Boboiboy awake too.

"Boboiboy!" She tackled him in a warm hug.
"I really needed that" Boboiboy said as he also hugged her back.

"Miss are you done?" The same nurse enters the room.
"Omg you're awake! And why are you hugging her? Are you cheating on your girlfriend?" The nurse asked.

"No I am not I wa-" before Boboiboy could complete his sentence (y/n) cut him off.
"Wait! What girlfriend?? You have a girlfriend now?" She asked in shock and a hint of excitement.

"Wait what is happening outside?" Boboiboy asked while looking outside the window.
"Oh the forest is on fire" nurse replied casually.

"WHAT!" Boboiboy and (y/n) shouted in unison and quickly headed towards the forest.


"(y/n)!" Fang exclaimed and ran to give a hug to his girlfriend. Ying and Yaya awed at them.
"I missed you too, porcupine" she said while pecking his lips.

"Am I the only one who is more concerned about the situation rn?" Gopal folded his arms.

"Boboiboy water!" Boboiboy turned into water and used his water whale to put out fire.
"Seesh, he did it in 2 seconds" Gopal rolled his eyes.


"Oboi! Are you okay? You're not hurt anywhere, right?" I checked his face which made him chuckle.
"Y/N, I am sorry for not remembering you" Boboiboy said while caressing my cheeks.

"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I will tell you everything in detail later. But right now, I need to take care of few things" Boboiboy said as he looked at Baraka who still has his eyes closed.

Suddenly I felt someone jump on my back.
"Hiiii, you must be Y/N right?? Boboiboy's girlfriend? I've heard alot about you" (y/n) said which made me smile.
"Really?" I asked.
"Nahh, not really. But now that I am here I can personally know you so that's better I guess" she replied making me sweatdrop.

"Omg I forgot to introduce myself. My bad. I am (y/n), Fang's girlfriend" She introduced herself.
"Well I've already heard alot about you and I am not kidding" I replied which somehow made her chuckle.

"Baraka, I'm here. And now I'll make you pay for all the sins you've done!"

Lowkey wanna jump off a cliff and die :')

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