Chapter 15- Too late

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Azriel POV

I'll see you tomorrow.

Rhy's warm presence in my mind vanished.

We were officially in Night Court territory, my home. I could logically conclude that was the reason why my shoulders felt light and my head was clear.

Or maybe it was Y/N.

It was late, the sun had nearly fully set. My shadows were scurrying around, seeking any and all danger. Between Y/N me and my shadows, we had covered a lot of ground. If we didn't see anything soon, then I think we get the all clear.

My blue siphons were glowing faintly. After hiking all day with all these packs, I was getting drained a little. But I would never ask Y/N to carry them.

"You were talking to Rhysand in your mind just now weren't you?" Y/N piped up from beside me.

In the low light her eyes gleamed.

"Yeah. Just seeing if there's any updates."

"What does it feel like?" She asked curiously.

I looked down at the dirt we hiked over. "It's like the inside of my head is in a warm blanket."

"Im not sure if i'd like that."

I shrug. "You get used to it. Rhys is a chatter box so he's always talking to me mind to mind."

She giggled. "He seems very stoic to me."

My brows rise. "Do I seem stoic?"

She nudges me, ducking under some leaves barely visible in the dying light. "I thought you were at first. But you're just a softie."

I can't stop my smile. "Yeah well, I'm not usually like this."

"Yeah I figured. You looked pretty scary in both the meetings with Thesan."

I scoff. "Did I now? Am I not scary anymore?"

She laughs softly. "No not at all."

I don't respond as we reach a clearing. My shadows slam into me, warning me.

I bristle and step in front of Y/N, narrowing my eyes, scanning the area.

"What?" She protests, trying to peek around me.

I spot it then. In the distance, at the other end of the clearing, tents.

No fire. No sounds. It seemed abandoned.

She notices it too and I hear her dagger unsheathe.

"Wait here." I order her, every shard of ice back in my voice.

She heard it too. "Of course not. I'm going with you."

I fumble with how to handle this- torn between wanting to protect her because I cared for her and knowing she's fully trained and can handle this-

She doesn't let me decide as she shoulders past me and walks to the camp.

I grab her wrist, and she whirls. The grip is gentle but firm.

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