Chapter 1

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We start with Izuku Yagi, being bullied by his Ex-Friends, due to being Quirkless, as he gets hit by the Kids

'Back then I wouldn't understand, but I wanted to be a Hero, so badly, I almost died' Izuku narrated

Izuku was seen jumping infront of a Villain's Attack, as the Villain was about to Kill the 2 Heroes that were there, but just in time All Might, Izuku's Father appeared and punched the Villain away

"Are you ok?" Izuku asked, as the Male Hero looked after the Female Hero

"I'm fine, still Pregnant, but Fine" she said, as Izuku and the Male Hero were relieved

All Might later talked to Izuku and explained to him, that there is a way for Izuku to get a Power, since now he was 10, it would be better to train now then too late

After explaining OFA and all about it, Izuku decided that he won't accept the Quirk, but maybe Katsuki should get it, since he was Quirkless too

Toshinori smiled at his Son, telling him that there is another way, but it will be even more difficult then the OFA training and it will be Izuku's own Power

Izuku smiled and accepted, as Toshinori would make a few calls and would send Izuku to America, but he warned him, if he were to see a White Haired Person, he should stay away

Izuku was confused by this, but then spotted Katsuki

Katsuki was told about what was gonna happen and he accepted

Kids were bullying both Katsuki and Izuku, calling them Kaachan and Deku, to mock them, due to both being Quirkless, Katsumi was only bullying Izuku, while Izumi protected him as much as she could. This was going on for 6 Years, since they were 4

Toshinori Yagi, the Name of All Might, sent Izuku to America, where Izuku was directed to a Old Friend of his

While entering, he recalled how sad his Mom and Sister got, since they wouldn't see Izuku for a While

Katsuki simply wished his Best Friend luck and that they will meet at UA when they become Stronger and are ready to face Villains

Izuku was given 100K Dollars by his Father, so he would have all he needs for his Life in America

He then found the Building that his Friend lived in, pressing the Bell, only for a Explosion to happen and a dirty looking Man appearing

"Yes?" He asked, as Izuku looked at the Man

"Hello, I'm Izuku Yagi, my Father sent me here" Izuku said, as the Man perked up and stopped looking annoyed

"Yagi? Your Father is Toshinori Yagi?" The Man asked, as Izuku confirmed

"Ah great to meet you, your Father told me lots about you and he told me you need help, I'm David Shield" he introduced himself, as Izuku was geeking out, since he didn't know that THE David Shield was the Friend that Izuku was gonna stay with

"I know why you're here, but I need a certain Item to get the Machine to Start, so will you come with me?" David asked, as Izuku agreed

However Izuku didn't think it was a Good Idea to go to a very Creepy and Sketchy Building to buy stuff, especially since everyone here looked like Criminals and Dealers

They eventually got to the Main Room, a Giant Stadium, where the Man with the Mic yelled some stuff about a Famous Villain dying and thus the Stuff that belonged him being Sold

It was then that the Man announced some stuff, which Izuku wasn't interested in, after they finally finished the Auction and got what they came for, David explained to Izuku about the Portal he made and how he can only activate it twice and it leading directly to the Person that will Train Izuku

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