Chapter 3

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Izuku woke up in his Apartment, everything seemingly ok, except for the Door, as it was just leaned on the wall near the Entrance

Izuku also saw Musubi apologizing to the Landlord, who was angry at the Broken Door

He was glad that Musubi wasn't a Dream, but he wasn't glad about the Pain his Body was in, wincing while trying to get up, which Musubi noticed

"You're awake" she said, rushing towards him and hugging him

"Hehehehe, yeah, say how long was I out for?" Izuku asked

"Almost 4 Hours" she answered, as Izuku noticed that it was Dark out, but he forced his Body to get up, against Musubi's Wishes

He picked up the Phone and dialed a Number, where the moment the person on the other End picked up


"-Hey Mom, sorry about that. I got distracted by stuff-" Izuku said over the Phone, as his Mother sighed on the other End

-Will you come Home soon?- she asked, as Izuku nodded and made a Agreeing Sound

"-Yeah, I also met someone a few Hours ago-" Izuku said, as Inko sounded happy that Izuku may have found a Friend that accepts him the way he is

Izuku then said his Goodbyes and hung up, as Musubi apologized for trying to stop hum from calling his Mom

"Hey, don't sweat it, nearly 2 Weeks left then I can attend UA UNI" Izuku said, as he was already living near the University of UA and was glad about it

Musubi looked confused, but quickly realized Izuku was talking about the Hero University, she started to ask questions and talked with Izuku about Hero Stuff, while he ordered food, from Deluxe Places

Musubi started eating and so did Izuku, as she was stunned that Izuku was also eating a lot

Musubi started eating and so did Izuku, as she was stunned that Izuku was also eating a lot

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