Chapter 2

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"Izuku, meet my Daughter, Melissa Shield, Melissa, this is Izuku Yagi, All Might's Son" David introduced, as Melissa shook Izuku's Hand, smiling

"Nice to meet you" she said, as Izuku smiled back at her

"Nice to meet you too" Izuku said, as the 2 started talking with each other

It was later that Izuku was sent back Home, to Japan, where he arrived in Mustafu via Train

'4 Years of UA University, we'll be Pro Heroes when 22 and I'll have to Train Harder, I can only Multiply the Kaio-Ken up to 4 times, even then, it strains me, but I have to say, the Increased Gravity on King Kai's Planet was useful, even if ridiculously high, I wonder how Dad and the others are doing' Izuku thought, as he exited the Train, only to notice a Energy Signature coming close to him, from Above?

"WATCH OUUUUUTTT" a Girl yelled, as Izuku looked up and in the Last Second, activated the Kaio-Ken to jump and catch her

"Are you Ok?" Izuku asked, holding the Girl in a Princess Carrying style, making her Blush while he is smiling, the Kaio-Ken being turned off, Izuku was wearing regular Clothes and had a Bag on his Back, which held most of the Stuff he really had, Money, a bit of Water and a Bento to eat, plus his Hero Outfit/Gi from his Masters and all their other Stuff

She looked at him and noticed that he wore something Casual, but because his Shirt was with Short Arms she could see his Muscles, once he put her down, however, they were attacked by 2 Women, that used their Lightning Powers and tried to hit Izuku and the Brown haired Girl he caught

She looked at him and noticed that he wore something Casual, but because his Shirt was with Short Arms she could see his Muscles, once he put her down, however, they were attacked by 2 Women, that used their Lightning Powers and tried to hit Izuku...

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(What Izuku wears, in his Size and the Pants and Shoes are a Perfect Fit, but the Shirt is a bit Bigger, so if Wind flows, his Shirt will move around and has a lot of room)

She managed to barely dodge and was worried for Izuku, but noticed he was unharmed and out of the Path of Danger

"Who are you?" The Girl asked, as Izuku smiled at her

"I'm Izuku Yagi, the Quirkless Hero for the Future" he said, as she seemed to recognize the Name of Izuku Yagi

"I found you, my Ashikabi" she said, as Izuku was confused, never having heard of that Word before, just then he looked towards the Twin Women that attacked him and the Girl he saved

"Come back, retreat for now. We'll get her Later" another Voice said, as Izuku looked up at a Roof, noticing a Man looking down, cloaked ofcourse, so Izuku didn't recognize the Person

 We'll get her Later" another Voice said, as Izuku looked up at a Roof, noticing a Man looking down, cloaked ofcourse, so Izuku didn't recognize the Person

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