Chapter 7

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A few Days later, at School, all the Students were back in Class, since it's Monday and they were waiting for the Teacher

"Quiet up Problem Children" Aizawa said, as Denki Kaminari spoke up

"We're not Children, Sensei" he said, as Aizawa looked at him

"Congratulations, you're Toddlers now" Aizawa said, as Denki looked down and defeated, as a Paper Ball was thrown at him and hit his Head, he looked up and saw Kyouka Jirou making another Ball or Paper

After a Quick Panic Attack and calming them down, as Aizawa told them their Battle wasn't finished and THEN Mentioned the UA Sports Festival, before anyone could argue or even talk, Aizawa explained why they still held the Festival, while Musubi simply didn't understand anything

"I'll explain later" Izuku said, as she simply hugged his Arm and kissed his Cheek

They were given 2 Weeks off from School, so they can Train and Prepare

After meeting other Students, who all challenged the 1A-Class Students to War, Izuku thought about how he should train

'King Kai's Planet helped me a lot, especially the Higher Gravity, since it made my Body more Durable and thus handle the Kaio-Ken pretty well too' Izuku thought, as he, Musubi and Katsuki all walked towards the Support Class

As Katsuki wanted to open the Door, Izuku pulled Musubi back, making her Blush, as Izuku noticed that he could sense her Love for him, unlike normal, this felt more connected, making him Blush too

Just then the Door Exploded and Katsuki was on his Back, with a Pink haired Girl on him

"!!!" Katsuki noticed this and Blushed, as the Girl opened her eyes and looked how the Boy blushed, looking down, seeing how her Exposed Breasts were on him, she blushed too, immediately jolting up and covering her Breasts, as Katsuki took off his Jacket and covered her too

This made her Eyes sparkle and she was surprised

"Who are you?" She asked, as Izuku noticed the look on the 2

"Musubi, I have a Question" Izuku whispered to her, as she looked at him

'Does he want to do the same?' She thought, asking herself, as she blushed and smiled a bit, taking off her UA Jacket and making Izuku blush hard

"MUSUBI, STOP. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he asked and yelled, pulling her Jacket back up, making her look confused

The other 2 simply laughed at this

"I just wanted to ask how Marriage Laws and such are with Sekirei" Izuku said, facing away from the now Tomato faced Girl, due to her Blush making her entire Face and Head, Red

"Oh" she simply said, as she curled up into a small Ball and cried Comedic Tears

Meanwhile Katsuki and the Pink haired Girl went in the Classroom, with a Angry Teacher

"Please tell me" Izuku said, as Musubi stood back up, wiping her Tears away

"Simply put, a Ashikabi can have multiple Sekirei, like a Harem, the Ashikabi can also get a Regular Human along with a few Sekirei, why do you ask?" Musubi asked, as she followed Izuku's Eyes

"I just have a Feeling that Katsuki, might become a Ashikabi too" he said, as Musubi smiled

"Maybe, but that's in the Future" she said, as Izuku pulled Musubi close and hugged her, then the 2 went inside, hearing how Katsuki asked for some Gauntlets to help him with his Quirk

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