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Izuku stood there, enraged, his Hair going upwards, becoming Brighter and slightly glowing, as Green Electricity is flowing across his Body

Meanwhile infront of him stood a Man, wearing a Suit that was only worn by a Evil Super Namekian in the Past

This Man was known as All for One and he was powering up, his Muscles growing as he was yelling

*Come in Izuku. Can you hear me? Listen, don't frither away another Moment my Boy, this is your Window of Opportunity to Strike. Hit All for One with everything you got while he's Busy puffing himself up to Maximum Power* King Kai told Izuku via Telepathy, as Izuku was standing still and looking with much Anger at AFO

Izuku clearly recalled how AFO blew up his Father and killed his Best Friend with a Single Energy shot through the Chest, piercing his Lungs

Izuku was so pissed, he is currently using OFA at 100%, throughout his Body, so he was using 100% Full Cowl, with his Potential Unlock Power helping him stabilize the Output so it doesn't explode his Body Parts, since under natural circumstances, Izuku could only handle 45% at this given Point

*You can't afford to miss this Chance. Believe me when I'm telling you there won't be another one. I'm not kidding Izuku, do you hear me?* King Kai asked, yelling, as we see Musubi holding Bakugou's Dead Body and watching Izuku from a far, as Izuku had his Gi on that his Masters granted him, but the Pants were destroyed partially, as there were a few Holes in it, his Shirt and Upper Gi part were nearly completly gone, his Wristbands also seemed damaged with a few tearings here and there

 I'm not kidding Izuku, do you hear me?* King Kai asked, yelling, as we see Musubi holding Bakugou's Dead Body and watching Izuku from a far, as Izuku had his Gi on that his Masters granted him, but the Pants were destroyed partially, as there wer...

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(How his Gi basically looks right now, the Boots are still the Future Gohan Boots without the Yellow Lines)

"I hear you King Kai" Izuku simply said, as he kept watching AFO, while King Kai seemed stunned and shocked that Izuku was hearing him, but didn't listen

"I know all to well this might be my One and Only chance to take him down, but it's also the Only chance I'll ever have to see what he's really made of" Izuku said, as calmly as he could

*You ... what? NO, YOU'RE NOT YOURSELF LAD. THIS KIND OF TALK IS MADNESS" King Kai yelled, as Izuku grit his Teeth, his Anger rising

"Seventy-Eight ... Seventy-Nine ... Eighty ... Eighty-One" AFO counted, as his Power grew with each Percentage

*HEY, SNAP OUT OF IT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD* King Kai yelled, as Izuku clenches his Fists, the Power of his Potential Unlock and the Power of OFA at 100%, both bursting up once, as Izuku's Aura started to flare up

"I know ... but I ... I, have to let him do this" Izuku said out loud, his Fists clenching harder, almost drawing blood

"Eighty-Four ... Eighty-Five" AFO still went up

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