Chapter 6

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If someone were to ask her, Annaisha could not pinpoint the time when her relationship with Sarkash went sour. There were signs, of course, but none seemed like a major event at the time, nothing to make her see red flashing lights and decide to run for the hills.

Yet, no one would really ask her about it. Because most people in their lives did not even know that there were issues between them. On the rare occasions someone said something, Annaisha had always been quick to dismiss them and find excuses for Sarkash's behaviour. Yes, some persisted, but these people often faded away from her life either by choice or because they just kept in touch less and less. At the time, she had told herself it was for the best. This relationship was her future. She couldn't just listen to naysayers who did not understand how wonderful Sarkash could be and give it all away.

He had indeed been truly wonderful. Annaisha fell for him the first time she laid eyes on him: tall, incredibly good-looking, with sun-kissed skin and jewel-coloured eyes. He was articulate and spoke with an inspiring confidence. Unlike Annaisha, Sarkash was well-versed in almost any domain and could talk about anything for hours. He was popular, admired and respected by everyone in their group. And when he showed interest in her, she knew she found the love of her life.

They had so much fun together! He would always know of a new bar, restaurant or fancy event and take her with him. While Annaisha had never been one to care for her appearance, she bought so many new clothes and makeup during that time because she felt pretty and good. Especially when one of Sarkash's friends would comment that she was his arm candy, she would see how his eyes beamed with pride.

Of course, once they were out of school and moved in together, it was not as easy to maintain the same lifestyle. Annaisha was the first to get a job and the only breadwinner for months. Sarkash looked for jobs, but his field was less in demand then, and she could see how it affected him. His confidence dropped so much that it started to affect their intimate life. He barely touched her anymore, and when he did, it felt rushed and mechanical.

Little seemed to make him happy anymore, and their getaways with friends were the only time he seemed to have a good time and enjoy himself. They couldn't really afford it, especially since his tastes for expensive places had not changed and, out of embarrassment, he still insisted on maintaining appearances. But his parents still helped him with money, and she wanted to see him smiling again so badly that she could make a few sacrifices.

She saw the smile every time they went out, but it was always short-lived. Every time they came back home, his suffering and insecurities returned with full force. He snapped at the slightest provocation, and while Annaisha did her best to reassure and comfort him every single time, it was never enough. She was never enough.

It was around that time that he hit her for the first time. He was so stressed that day, and she pushed him too hard, even after he complained about her constant nagging.

She had never been hit before, and time stood still right after it happened. Of course, Sarkash felt horrible about it; he apologized repeatedly and showered her with hugs and kisses until she couldn't breathe. And she liked being the center of his attention once again. He was set on making amends and did not stop at that because he came over with a fox fur gift for her the very next day. Annaisha did not know how he could afford such a thing and gave him an earful about buying real fur, but Sarkash said it was vintage and not expensive at all, so she kept it. Part of her always hated the thing, while another hated herself for finding it so mesmerizing, for going into the closet sometimes only to open the box just to look at it and gently stroke the beautiful red fur.

After this, things took a turn for the better for them. Sarkash landed a well-paying job, much better paid than hers, so finances were no longer a problem. He frequently got to go out with important clients for lunch and sometimes even supper, so he and Annaisha seldom got to see each other.

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