Chapter 7

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The last time Annaisha went out for brunch was shortly after she met Sarkash.

She and the fun gang used to love brunch. After finishing college, the five of them met once a month to update one another on what was happening in their lives. There was no better time and place to do this than on a Sunday morning, surrounded by sunny-side-ups and yellow-orange margaritas, fresh croissants or steamy buttered toast, savoury crepes and waffles with fresh fruit, artisan jams, or hazelnut spread. Come rain or shine, their reserved corner booth was the joy capital of the world.

Although the five of them were all very different overall, their group worked like a charm.

Every time they met, Annaisha sat by the window. She initially claimed the spot because she liked to look outside and know what was happening in the street. Still, she kept her seat even when her focus had never left the restaurant and the fantastic women there with her. There had never been four other people who were not family that she loved more than these girls and none that would make her laugh, truly laugh, like they had during that time.

The beautiful Ruthie always sat next to her, sipping green tea and devouring anything on the menu that had chocolate. Towering an impressive 4 feet 9 inches, Ruthie packed the biggest heart and had always been there for her when she needed her support.

Hair darker than her coffee, Dakota sat right in front of her. Absolutely brilliant, this girl had the potential to be a superhero or a super villain. So far, she used her powers as the mastermind behind any organized group activities, from pranks to birthday celebrations, and thanks to her, they all worked out flawlessly.

Opposite to her was Kaira. Despite moving here with her family and joining their college in their last year of studies, Kaira fit in their group and gave them strength like the fifth finger on a hand. Incredibly kind and considerate, Kaira always reminded them of what it means to be nice people.

Lastly, at the head of the table, Winifred was the mother figure of the group. Always taking care of others, Winnie always had a spare ear to lend, an extra band aid to give out and was the designated person for anything food-related. A true foodie at heart, she loved to cook and would always bring samples to try, but she could also recommend the best places to eat in the city.

One by one, they would make their way into the restaurant and, without exception, their reaction to seeing one another was better than if they'd just seen their celebrity crushes. That happens when you reunite with the people you care about so deeply. You can't help yourself and just want to hug them like as if that single hug would erase all the time that passed you've been apart.

That last time they met for brunch was probably the last time she was hugged like that, like she was truly missed, deeply loved, like she really mattered.

They drifted apart afterwards, each finding its own unique path in life and doing amazing things that she would have never been able to do.

Annaisha saw some of them separately once or twice, but the connection was never quite the same.

She ran into Ruthie once in a large fashion store before the holidays. She smiled sweetly and seemed happy to see her, but their discussion did not flow as it used to. They had put too much distance between them.

She also saw Dakota for coffee once, and their meeting was as cold as the drinks they left behind. Of course, they had said they would keep in touch, but both knew then and there that it wasn't true.

So yes, that was the last time they met and, at the time, none realized it. And deep down, Annaisha knew she was the first to go, the beginning of the end.

If she had been single, she would have continued to see them. Still, she was in a relationship, and relationships need some give and take to work out. While brunch equalled happiness for her, Sarkash had never loved the idea—not even in the beginning. Annaisha had tried several times to get him to try it with her at least once, but Sarkash had never agreed. While he loved going out in the evening, he saw brunch as a "poor man's getaway."

Fantasy novel with 40 year old protagonistWhere stories live. Discover now