Ch.2 Welcome to Terra

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In a dark field stood many people scattered about with firefly-like lights floating about the air. The tan man then appeared behind two men who were walking forward looking for somebody.

"It actually happened. I'm really here." The tan man said as he patted himself over.

The two men stopped when they heard that voice, then they slowly turned around. "Leumas!" They called out in unison as they rushed the man. Each taking turns and pulling him into a quick embrace.

"Dean, James you both actually came." Leumas stated with a big smile plastered onto his face.

The two of them shared a look as Dean spoke. "We kinda both had a feeling you wouldn't miss a chance like this." He smiled as his hand ran over his short brown hair. His hazel eyes looking over Leumas.

Leumas, the tanned man smiled. And embraced the man once more as tears streamed down. A light passed by them. He soon stopped and pulled back as he then looked at the two men.

The other man James smiled. "You see it too?" He rubbed his hand through the well kept black beard of his. His brown eyes focused on the look of the man in front of him.

"You guys are younger." He rubbed his eyes and did a double take.

Dean nodded. "Everyone is apparently. New world, new life I guess. I feel different too." He said just now pressing his hands over himself. "I think I'm thinner too."

"This is amazing." Leumas smiled as he too began to look himself over."So what now?"

A see-through image of the Luck God, Chance appeared. It had a gentle glow to it and everybody's attention was drawn. Silence aside from the rustling of leaves and grass in the breeze took over

"Welcome to Terra, Children of Gaia. Some of you might have noticed some changes to your appearances." He gestured outwards as he gently spun on the spot. "A blessing of good health has been bestowed upon you by the Planet herself. Accept her gift of vitality, and longevity."

Many people began happily whispering to one another and looking around. Chance raised his hand to silence them. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised that all of you are excited about that ." He placed his hands behind his back.

Leumas for a moment felt the gaze of the God looking directly at him. And not just once as he spoke.

"Now a few things before I go. Terra has her world set in a special manner for it's new inhabitants. Some of the magic abilities of this world are similar to that of what you call virtual reality. But remember this is very real and you can die in this world, much like your old one."

The field went silent once more. "Right now there's a spell keeping the monsters at bay. You've all been placed in relatively safe places, good for settling down. Lastly, for those who were lucky enough to receive one."

Leumas felt it again, the power of Chance's sight upon him and he shivered slightly.

"To all the Town Token, and building holders, once you select a place for these things they cannot be moved the same way. Once your towns are placed they will appear on maps.  Now go enjoy your lives. A whole new world awaits you all. Welcome to Terra."

Chance then vanished once more, as the suns rays began to change the color of the sky.

It was quiet and peaceful as they all watched their first sunrise in their new world together. Leumas smiled as he said a single word. "Terra." A smile played on his lips as he thought. 'Im in another world. I'm actually in another world, and I'm not alone.' his smile grew wide.

Welcome To TerraWhere stories live. Discover now