Who Is It In The Dark?

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Riddler was Setting up Traps for the batman as always but suddently in corner of his eye he saw something move in a Shadows of Alley he was Hiding his throphy in
"batman? I know you're in There Come out if you think you can face me"
Nothing. The Silence was unseteling and the cold thick air sending shivers down riddlers spine
"Really funny, you're a coward. Come out and face me!" again nothing. Riddler started to get little nervous but he wasn't gonna show it after all he was the riddler the one and only genious in gotham. A rustle was heard from behind the riddler. Riddler Quickly turned around to where the sound came from and Pulled out a gun and pointed it at the Shadows. Riddler shoot few Times in the Shadows and nothing just the sounds of gun shots and bullets hitting the ground.
"this isnt funny! Come out where ever you are! What do you want from me! Its not smart to mess with me!"

Finally. The person in the Shadows that was watching riddler steped out in light of lamp. It was Jonathan crane. The scarecrow. "careful with your Words Edward."

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