From Fear To Love

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Scarecrow was staying over at riddlers still and for 3th day he always when riddler was asleep injected fear toxin in him to keep the omitons of scarecrow Saving riddler from nightmares.

Riddler was in kitchen making himself Breakfast and scarecrow Walked over and sat down. Scarecrow liked watching riddler do his normal stuff like planing, building or cooking it was fascinating and enduring and made scarecrow feel fuzzy inside. Riddler sat down with his Breakfast and offered another plate to scarecrow. Scarecrow thought it was amazing Improvement over few days ago and happily that his plan is working took the plate.

"good morning Jon" riddler said to scarecrow with soft smile

"good morning indeed. Say I was wondering if you wanna go grab Coffee today?" scarecrow replied Quickly

"like a date?" riddler asked teasingly even tho he didn't understand his own feelings he liked the idea

"if you want" scarecrow said with a

"sure why not" he Muttered out looking away to not be red

"amazing" scarecrow said happily

The time of the date riddler was scared. He was in Many relationships before but he didn't know how to feel about this one. Is this love? But this also doesn't feel right. He was Confused he Felt like he liked scarecrow but something doesn't Felt right deep down. Riddler shook the feeling out as he Walked inside the Café and sat down. Soon enough scarecrow arived looking excited and with flowers.

"thank you they are.. Beautiful" riddler said and took the flowers feeling himself be all hot and red

"no. Thank you for coming" he Smiled at the sight thats exactly what he wanted for this plan for ed to fall for him

Riddler was still Sceptical because this was all too Fast and he doesn't belive in love but he couldn't help but enjoy the date

"yes" riddler ansered out of nowhere

"yes? Yes what?" scarecrow asked Confused and raised eyebrow

"yes I will date you like you asked me few days ago" riddler ansered and blushed more feeling a little Humiliated

Scarecrow was happy. More than that he couldn't containe himself and kissed riddler right There. The kiss was Beautiful. Like if time stoped and it was just him and ed. Like if everything bad that ever Happend just disapeared and nothing was more important than this moment and ed for scarecrow. In this moment when scarecrow looked in riddlers Beautiful Green eyes that Reminds him of Morning dew on Leaves in May

Riddler was taken off by guard but gave in and kissed back. He couldn't help it. It was so wrong from him and it didn't Felt right and he Felt like something was wrong There but his senses and heart was betraying him. Maybe it was better to not know the truth as long as he feels like This. For once. Actually happy and not focousing on past and ready to let go of everything holding him behind just to be with the man he now Felt the closest with and loved.

(scriddler) Sweet DrugWhere stories live. Discover now