Finally Peace

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Riddler and scarecrow got home after their date and riddler went to make himself Coffee and do some building on his new plan to kill batman and scarecrow sat down on couch watching movie and often looking over at riddler with look of love at what hes doing.

Riddler turned on radio and suddently his favorite song started playing and that made him smile and he took scarecrow's Hand and Pulled him on his feet and took his Hands in his

"Ed please no" scarecrow said all emberesed

"you're not Getting out of this Jon" riddler said confident and Slowly started dancing with scarecrow to the song

The rest of the night was peacefull just sitting on couch in warm comfy blanket snuggled to each other with hot Cup of Coffee and in scarecrow's case hot Cocoa

The next morning riddler got down and scarecrow made Breakfast already. A nice fluffy and warm panecakes with coffee and melted butter on top

"why is it you were sleeping so long? I thought you were gonna have work you put on yourself"  asked scarecrow a little suprised and Confused

"I decided to take a break from all of it and just spend time with you and relaxing for a whille because I cant think of any idea and I am burning myself out" riddler said and sat down at the table

"good idea. Hope you like panecakes Ed" scarecrow ansered and putted plate with panecakes in front of riddlers on the table

"I am not really into sweets but I'll take em' they look amazing" riddler said and Smiled and putted on his Glasses

"and they are I have been learning how to Cook after I almost burned my house down 5 months ago" scarecrow said proudly

"with your skills I am not suprised"
Riddler Muttered and started eating the panecakes.

The next day riddler woke up and scarecrow was nowhere but left a note that said "going to attempt killing batman. Again"

"of course he would. Just to get out of visit I am paying joker for some dumbass plan that clown came up with"  riddler Muttered angrily and went to make Breakfast.

The time Flew by Fast and riddler already arived at jokers place and Walked inside

After whille of joker saying very much not working plan to Annoy batman as if torturing his second son wasn't enough.

"you know riddle-man or whatever you call yourself Eddie I heard that you and crane have something special just saying didn't know you could step that low as to get up with scarecrow" joker said and laughed mockingly

"says lonelly wierdass clown Who couldn't even get a Job as a clown and his only 'love' is girl he manipilated and Brainwashed because no one in their right mind would date you." riddler replied calmly despite being pissed off

"damn someone cant take a joke did someone shove Cactus up your but?" joker asked a little Confused because riddler doesn't really do him like this often

"jokes are suppose to be funny whitch is the exact Opposite of you" riddler Muttered

"you're sassy I got to tell you that but I am just saying that crane isnt as innocent in this 'relationship' as you think" joker said knowing what scarecrow is doing to riddler

"I know" riddler replied colddly propably offended that joker Questioned his inteligence.

Later that day scarecrow run to riddlers house as if fire was chasing him

"hey what is going on?"  riddler asked Quickly and Suspiciously

"the bat was chasing me"  scarecrow ansered still Taking deep breaths from how he ran

"batman is chasing you and the first place you ran in is my place so he'll find me also?! Do you ever think?!" riddler Immediately said Frustrated and angry

"calm Down Ed" scarecrow tried to calm riddler down because of the missunderstanding

"clearly not! I will not go Back to Arkaham" riddler was still Having tantrum

"i said was chasing me... He isnt anymore. He got distracted by the joker and I ran here before he changes his mind"  scarecrow said because riddler wasn't calming down

"oh sorry then... I trully apologized I missheard you" riddler took a deep breath and calmed down.

"its okay" scarecrow replied and hugged riddler tight.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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