Old Secrets

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"Crane?!" riddler said shocked. He havent seen scarecrow for months some people even thought he left gotham or was killed by the joker.
"what are you doing here? And what is going on in your primitive Brain to creep up on me in dark Alley without saying anything!" riddler said angrily in Fact it did really scared him.

Scarecrow just grined sadisticly and said "Whats wrong Edward? Scared?"

Riddler scowld and all cocky said "me scared? Never I am far too smart to get even ever taken off guard by your childish attemp to scare me"

Scarecrow Smiled softly knowing very Well that riddler was terified but he wasn't gonna push it "of course Edward... I want to talk. About what Happend 8 months ago. At the party mad hatter threw." he said Seriously

Riddler got taken off guard by that and Immediately tried to shut the idea down "not happening Crane we had a deal that we will never talk about this again" riddler said with small frown and crossed his arms.

Scarecrow Sighed. Riddler was always stubborn but he had a point in this they had agreed on this but he cant just give up "I know what we agreed on and I will and didn't ever told anyone for the sake of both yours and my reputacion but I cant stop thinking about it so I wanna talk things out so we can both move on." scarecrow spoke calmly

Riddler stoped frowning and thought for a whille. He also had been thinking over that and its been bothering him so eventualy he agreed

Scarecrow took riddlers to small Café and ordered for himself and Edward Cappuccino since they both liked the same type of Coffee.

Scarecrow was the first one to speak up "its been a whille so how have you been Edward?"

"Jonathan we are not here to discuss my evening but to talk things out about the party, but I have been doing Well, thank you." riddler said coldly but something about him was still so gentle when he spoke or mixed his Coffee with tea spoon that it got scarecrow to have strange feelings like if his stomach was doing flips. Scarecrow couldn't help but stare at riddler soft demeanor and Beautiful greenis-hblue eyes that he didn't even hear that riddler was still talking

"Jonathan! Are you listening?!" riddler said and snapped his Fingers in front of scarecrows face whitch snapped scarecrow out of the trans

"oh... Yes I am listening sorry... About the party 8 months ago... When we did it-" scarecrow siad akwardly

"I was drunk I flirted with everyone I couldn't know we would ended up having sex" riddler said Trying to exeuse himself

"I regret nothing Edward. I enjoyed it. Thats the point why I am here... I wanna try it again. Not sex but lets try to date. It can be a secret but I trully Felt something." scarecrow said with small smile and putted his Hand on riddlers gently looking directly in riddlers eyes that reminded him of rainy forest and nice soft and fluffy Grass that feels amazing the first time in summer you lay in it and feel it in your Fingers and Epistles that catch all the water drops after rain.

"I know you're just appealing to my ego but I dont have a ego I am far too briliant for that especialy for the likes of you" riddler said Narcissisticly.

"of course Edward. Well I will keep my Fingers crossed." said scarecrow with small amused smile.

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