Strong Drug

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Riddler Walked Back home and before his house he saw scarecrow standing there

"what are you doing here?" riddler asked Confused

"I need a place to stay for a whille and you're the only person Who came into my mind. Please Edward" scarecrow said pleadingly

"Fine but dont touch anything or you're sleeping on streets" riddler Muttered Annoyed

"understood" scarecrow said happily and went inside

It was late so riddler threw some blankets at scarecrow Who was setted up in guest room and went to his bedroom and to sleep. Riddler undressed only to Green shirt and Under wear and got Under blanket and started falling asleep

Scarecrow was turning in his bed. He couldn't help but think about the riddler. Suddently a devious idea to get riddler to like him poped in his mind. Scarecrow tippitoed to riddlers bedroom and Slowly injected syringe's with yellow Liquid he had on his Gloves in riddlers neck and riddler after a whille started shaking in his sleep. He started having nightmares. Normally it Wouldn't work because riddler is pro at Hiding his fears but not when hes asleep.

Sat up Quickly panting heavily and then grabed scarecrow and burried his face in scarecrow to calm Down

"what Happend?" scarecrow asked with fake empathy but enjoying the hug

"I had a really bad nightmare. I was dumb I couldn't even solve 4 Times 5 and my father. H-he-" riddler Muttered out through fear and was shaking from the Nightmare

"shhhh its okay I am here now" scarecrow said and held to riddler more being satisfied with his plan. He got the man he loved in his arms wanting his comfort and him close not even caring he made riddler suffer to have this moment he just Smiled as he hugged riddler more tight.

(scriddler) Sweet DrugWhere stories live. Discover now