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A lot has happened lately in my life and I have a lot of things to say however, I would like to announce that I will be writing again. It's the worst timing in my life since its been revealed that KaiShin are actually cousins.

Incest has never been my cup of tea (direct blood-related like siblings and parent to child) but how could I just let go of this ship when I practically grew up shipping these two? (first discovered Yaoi when I was in 5th grade don't judge me LOLOL)

So before things get complicated I would like to say that regardless of the revelation between Kudo Shinichi and Kuroba Kaito, I will continue to write about this ship.

A lot will say that this ship shouldn't continue because of the reveal but let's face it, it's been a decades ship it'll be hard to just abandon the ship like nothing happened in those passed 20+ years of shipping.

That's why if you're now uncomfortable shipping these two and couldn't continue reading on about pairing them up, please do stop reading my stories and do not leave any negative comments. I will respect your decision of abandoning the ship but also please respect if I, and the rest of the readers here, remain.

Additional Note: For now I will let things simmer down... if it does but y'all I'm also still coping so let's give each other a break LOLOLOL I'll be back to writing next week so stay tuned!

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