If Only I Was...

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A/N: This is a KaiShin side of the story in Kuroba Kaito x Reader Oneshot where Shinichi has an unrequited love with his beloved Kaitou Kid 


How can he let it happened? He was supposed to be the one who would not be taken down so easily however.. how can he let that thief stole his heart like that? They were just a detective and thief, Kid Killer and Kaitou Kid.. when did he started wanting something more with his beloved Kid? He didn't want to remained as a detective to him anymore, he wanted to be someone who has a place in the thief's heart, someone he can call his Lover.

"How did things turned out like this, Kid? You were only supposed to be stealing jewels but you managed to steal something from me without my knowledge.."

It was heartbreaking to him when Kid started opening his love life for someone that is not him, the way he said her name, the way his mask will slipped off to show such a genuine smile and the affectionate gazed he has in his eyes whenever he tells story about her and the way Kid trusted him with his love life just breaks his heart yet how can he still crave for his love? If only he was the reason for those smile, if only he was the person he's showering his love to, if only..

"If only I was her then.."

Tears started forming on the edge of his eyes making the detective chuckled, with the pain hidden in his voice, how can he let a thief like him breaks his composure? He wasn't like this before but.. when Kid came into his life he started to discover something he never knew he had in him. He was like the sugar being pour in his bitter coffee in the morning, he likes the bitter taste of his coffee but the sugar that was added? He didn't mind. 

Seeing the crestfallen expression on the detective face, Haibara couldn't helped but embraced the heartbroken Conan in her arms. Little by little, he started breaking in her arms as tears where shed and quiet cries where heard which broke her heart, she had never seen the detective this heartbroken before even when he still like Ran before he started developing feelings for the magician. The thief had a really huge impact on Conan's life that even Haibara could noticed the changes he had brought upon her friend, but it was also breaking him slowly when he had fallen for Kid.

"So this is what it feels like to wait for someone who will never come."


"I wonder if I were in her position, will he reacted that way too?" Conan whispered as he smiled sadly at himself as he looked at Kid hugging her tightly in his arms, continuing to cry as quiet sobs escaped from his trembling mouth.

He wanted to be in her place, he wanted for Kid to cry for him, shout his name out loud with him dying in the magician's arms. It was cruel to think of such things when someone is in his presence in the verge of walking in death's door but he can't helped it. She knew Kid more than he do, his persona and now his alter ego as well while all he know is Kid and not the person she called Kaito. It was funny for him that he ended up letting a phantom thief steal not only the jewels in Japan but also his heart. 

"Will you return it back like how you return back those jewels you stole?"

The answer is already in front of him. 


Laughing lightly, he left without a word. Every stepped he takes feels like a step closer to accepting the fact that Kid..Kaito will never return his feelings. It was foolish to think that he will be love back but it seems like it was too good to be true if he did, if only Conan had meet his persona first then maybe, just maybe, Kaito may have developed some feelings for him as well even if it's just a little. 

Rain started pouring upon stepping out of the museum where the heist is being held, he didn't care anymore if he gets soaked and caught a cold later on, he just wanted something to numb the pain that he's feeling. Closing his eyes while letting the tears he's been holding back run down his face along with the rain, he shouted. Those painful shouts where covered by the sound of the strong rain so nobody heard the broken hearted detective's painful cries... except for one. 

Conan was surprised when someone wrapped their arms around him, burying him into someone's chest with their strong arms around him. He already knows who it is based from their scent, he had embrace this chest before whenever he needed someone. He let Hattori do as he pleased while he continued to cry in his arms with the soft comforts from his friend.

"Shh...it's gonna be alright, I'm right here for ya."


"Say, when will you introduced me to you-know-who?"

Shinichi had decided to accompany Kaito to visit his girlfriend that is currently in a coma. Years passed by when he finally got his body back and he still harbor some feelings for Kaito but he knows that he's moving on, little by little. He wanted to moved on and give someone a chance, he was willing to wait until Shinichi has fully moved on and the detective was thankful for that. He may had shed tears and had his heart broken so many times because of Kaito but he still didn't and will never regret falling for him. There were at some points that he had fallen deeper for Kaito when he was helping the magician when he had fallen into a deep depression but that was also the time that he realized, he needed to move on because he knows how much Kaito had loved and cherish the girl he loves and he accepted that now. 

"I don't know what you're talking about."

No matter how many times he denied it he knows that Kaito already knows, Heiji was not being secretive about it after all and he didn't mind. 

Watching Kaito in the room with the love of his life, telling her all about the things Kaito had done and accomplished made him smiled. He had been there in her stead when Kaito had performed a show in one of the most famous stages every magician dream of performing on, the smiles he made at every end of his show made his heart flutter knowing that Kaito is getting better and that.. he's slowly moving on. 

Closing the door to give the couple some privacy, Shinichi's phone rung which brought a bright smile on his face knowing who it is. Grabbing the phone, the smile slowly disappears on his face as a dust of blush replaced it when he answered the call.

"You're late, we're already at the hospital."

"Wari wari(Sorry )I overslept, I'm on my way now!"

Silently chuckling as he walks in the dimly light hallway, he turned back to looked at the door where the person that used to have his heart was.. he mouthed something and completely left to meet the person who he will soon love as much as he did to the magician in the future.

"Kaito, thank you for making me fall for you and.. farewell."


A/N: Sorry for those who didn't like that Shinichi ended up being with Heiji here- anyway hope you love this oneshot! 

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