Chapter 3: Freshman Year

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Lupe's Pov

Freshman year had start out pretty great, I had made the varsity team pretty easily. Though my mom was already telling me not to get so cocky, though she changed her tune when she received a call from Georgia.

They had sent a recruiter to a few of my volleyball games, apparently my stats were impressive for a 15 year old. I outgrew my mom and from my sperm donors stats I was already taller than him.

"I already know what you are thinking, he is still your dad even if he isn't in your life." My mom said as I held the phone up to my ear.

"Still mom what do you think is going to happen, I mean with you who you are. And I know it's early but I am making a name for myself." I stated out of frustration, it was a small article that I saw... my dad talking about his newest flings child.

"We knew it might come down to this.." she sputtered out not able to finish her sentence as I interrupted with "We who mom?"

"All of us, you know who I am talking about." She said as a smile came across my face. "Besides you know we are all going to your game and your nana and pops are coming in for your birthday."

"I know mom I remember you what y'all said, stay humble and be hardworking." I said as I hear a laugh coming from her side.

"Sweetheart we just I just want you to be well rounded and be able to get all of the chances you can." She said as I just nodded along to her statements. "And besides they have presents for you."

"Will you tell me what it is?" I ask as I just hear laughter coming from her side.

"Sweetheart you are seriously going to have to have more patience. I just have this feeling." She said as I let out a sigh. "Don't worry you will love it."

"If you say so."


"So I am guessing your mom still didn't tell you then?" Came a voice as I entered my room, of course my favorite blonde sat on top of the bed with her guitar glued to her fingers.

"I think you already know the answer to that Swift... but I am just surprised you are here and not with Drew." I said as I made my way to my desk, a scoff coming from her. "Ok I was just kidding about the last part you know I love when you are here."

"I just needed a place to hide out for a while, you know how my dad can get. And honestly Drew who knows where he is maybe with Abigail and her boyfriend?" She said quickly writing something down as I watched her work. "You know you are totally staring."

"Not staring, just admiring your work T, the way your mind works with words... I sometimes can't comprehend." I said as I continued to watch her.

She pats my bed, I quickly move to sit next to her as she hands me her guitar.

"You do realize I am just barely learning this T." I said as she just nodded her head.

"It's easy." She says as she tells me what notes to strum as her voice distracting me."Focus." Is all I hear as I miss a note.

How I ended up on my back... I couldn't tell you, but this girl has me wrapped around her finger.

"We should probably stop T." I said as she continued to kiss my neck, a mumble of  "do you really want me to?"


Taylor's Pov

We are going to so get caught, I thought as I sat in the bleachers. My boyfriend behind me as Abigail sat next to me her boyfriend behind her.

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