Chapter 4: Our Song

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Taylor's Pov

"Are you still not going to tell me what that whole thing was last night?" I asked Lupe who just shook her head, we had been laying in her bed since we came back from their family brunch.

"If you really want to know.. my mom is just worried that this whole thing is apart of the family tradition." She said as I gave her look tell her to continue. "You know my mom is super young along with her parents? Well they just want history to repeat itself... they want me to break this cycle."

I look over at her as her blueish green eyes always seem to make me have issues breathing. I knew her parents were young, but never knew about her grandparents. I mean I always saw her grandmother pushing her to study and always taking her to practice.

"It's partially why they worry about the two of us." She said breaking the silence as I finally look over at her, "come on T you can't say that you don't know how much I care about you. Like how much I... uhh never mind."

"Come on Lupe you can tell me." I said as I gave my best puppy dog look.

"You know you can't do that to me Swift." She said as a smile appeared on my face, I knew she is always a sucker for my pout. "Besides I think you already know."

Before I could say anything a knock followed by the door opening cutting off the conversation.

"Are you two decent?" I could hear Lupe's mom ask as she came into the room with her eyes closed.

"Seriously mom, you know Taylor has a boyfriend." Lupe said as I slightly tensed up, I knew I had to start figuring out my feelings.

"Well you never know." She said as she then told us that the food was ready, the two of us following her down.

Lupe's Pov

Thankful my mom decided to knock at that very moment, I was trying to figure out how to get out of that situation.

I know she is trying to figure out whatever is going on between the two of us, but it's hard to watch them be "so in love".

Lacy had recently asked me out and I had seriously thought about, I mean a lot of people just thought I only did one thing.

I already had this rumor of being a heart breaker, how it started.. who the hell knows. To be honest I've been so busy with all the teams I've joined that I literally don't have time.

"Hey you ok?" Taylor whispered over to me as we hit the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah you know me T just in my head." I said as I see her nod her head.

I could see my grandparents sitting at the kitchen table just waiting for the two of us to join.

"God that was so good." Taylor said as we finished supper.

"I am telling you some of the best food ever." I said as I looked over at her. My attention is quickly taken from Taylor when my mom starts talking.

"So since you didn't want to have a quince your abuela, abuelo and I wanted to do something special." She said as she made the motion for me to follow the three of them outside. "Ok Lupe close your eyes."

I closed my eyes as I felt my mom take my hand in hers, leading me to what felt like the outside.

"Are we there yet?" I questioned as she I all but ran into the back of her.  "Ow."

"I know that didn't hurt you." She said before finally telling me to open my eyes. There parked sat a 1966 Pontiac GTO.

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