Rusviet Empire

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The Rusviet empire is a Prussian Constitutionalist Monarch where the Tsar has tons of power over the democratically elected legislature aka the Duma. The Rusviets have a pyramid of Hierarchy which reflect their society as a whole. At the Very top are two positions, Tsar of All Russia and Premier of the All-Russian Congress. Next are the Nobles, the Boyars and the military, followed by the bourgeoisie and industrialists, then followed by Workers, Artisans and Peasants and finally at the very bottom are the unemployed, Political Dissidents and activists for movements like Feminism, Civil Rights and other marginalized groups. The social hierarchy of the Rusviet Empire was as rigid as the steel of their war machines, with each tier supporting the weight of those above while crushing those below. This would show in Russia's two democratic bodies, the Majority elected Duma and the Tsarist appointed Council of People's Commissars. In the Duma, the representatives were split into two groups, The Dvoryanstvo, the Nobility or upper house, and the Soviet, the Worker's council or lower house. The Dvoryanstvo represent the votes of the Boyars (Nobles), the Yunkers (Bourgeoisie) and the Ryndy (Soldiers). Their representatives were called Okolnichy or Court Minister in English. The Soviet on the other hand represent the Krest'yane (Peasants), Rabochiy (Workers) and Remeslenniki (Artisans). Their representatives were known as Sovetnik or Counsellor in English. In American Terms, the Dvoryanstvo would be the Senate and the Soviet would be the House of Representatives. The Senate president would therefore be the namestnik or Viceroy and the Speaker of the house is the Narodnyy sovetnik or the People's Counsellor.

The Council of People's Commissars on the other hand, is a new system created by Tsar Nicholas II and Vladimir Lenin. Lenin used his powers as Premier of the Russian Empire to replace the Ministries with his new Council of People's Commissars, a body of officials appointed by the Tsar himself. The council members had to be chosen by the Duma and the Premier must confirm that he is a candidate for appointment. After the list is made, the Tsar makes the final decision. This system was designed to give the appearance of democratic representation while ensuring that ultimate power remained firmly in the hands of the Tsar and his trusted Premier.

The Council itself has a total of 25 members, A Chairman, usually the Premier, the General Secretary, usually the Vice Premier, Kantsler (Chancellor), Usually the Namestnik, Vitse-kantsler (Vice-Chancellor), Usually the Narodnyy sovetnik, and then the 21 Russian Commissars. The Russian Commissariat system also has priorities in the order of National Security.

1. Russian Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs

2. Russian Commissar for Internal Affairs

3. Russian Commissar for Foreign Affairs

4. Russian Commissar for Finance

5. Russian Commissar for Agriculture

6. Russian Commissar for Energy

7. Russian Commissar for Labor

8. Russian Commissar for Food

9. Russian Commissar for Industry

0. Russian Commissar for Transportation

11. Russian Commissar for Communications

12. Russian Commissar for Social Welfare

13. Russian Commissar for Health

14. Russian Commissar for Science and Technology

15. Russian Commissar for Nationalities

16. Russian Commissar for Trade and Commerce

17. Russian Commissar for Justice

18. Russian Commissar for Forests

19. Russian Commissar for Religion

20. Russian Commissar for Education

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