Republic of Polania

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The Polanian Republic is a mixed Presidential Parliamentiary Republic with the President head of the Parliament and holding the main power of the Central office. The polish General Sejm, their parliament, had representatives of all their classes, Szlachtas (Nobles), Ziemiaństwo (Landowners, Business owners and other Bourgeoisie), mieszczanstwo (Urban middle class), and Chłopi (the working Class) The General Sejm was the main legislative body of the Polanian Republic, responsible for making laws, approving the national budget, and overseeing the actions of the government. The house would be split into two houses, the senat, the upper house, and izba poselska, the lower house. Together with the President, they formed the stany sejmujące, the estates of the Sejm. The Senat, or Senate, is composed of members elected to represent Polish provinces with 4 Senators per province, regardless of its size or population. The Senate serves as the upper house of the General Sejm and is responsible for reviewing and amending legislation passed by the lower house, the Izba Poselska, or Chamber of Deputies. 

The Izba Poselska, or Chamber of Deputies, is composed of members elected by the people of Poland to represent their interests in the General Sejm. The number of deputies from each province is based on its population, with larger provinces having more deputies than smaller ones. The Chamber of Deputies is responsible for proposing and debating legislation, as well as approving the national budget and holding the government accountable for its actions. 

The President of the Polanian Republic serves as the head of state and government in the Polanian Republic and was officially called the Marszałek Prezydent Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, in english, the Marshal President of the Polish Republic. The President is elected by the people to a five-year term and is responsible for representing the country both domestically and internationally. 

As the head of the General Sejm, the President holds significant powers, including the authority to preside over sessions of the Sejm, propose legislation, and appoint government ministers. The President also serves as the commander-in-chief of the Polanian Armed Forces and is responsible for overseeing national defense and security with his rank being Marszałek Wielki Koronny Polski, Grand Crown Marshal of Poland, IE Generalissimo of the Polish Army. 

In addition to their legislative and executive duties, the President of the Polanian Republic also plays a key role in foreign affairs, representing Poland on the international stage and negotiating treaties and agreements with other countries. The President is supported in their duties by the wiec, or council, which is composed of advisors and experts appointed by the President to assist in the formulation and implementation of government policy. The Wiec Ministers are given the title of Cześnik, cupbearers, an honorary title dating back to medieval Poland. Each Cześnik holds responsibility for a specific area of government policy, such as foreign affairs, defense, finance, or education, and works closely with the President to ensure that their objectives are achieved. Poland holds a total number of 14 Cześniks, each overseeing a different aspect of government policy.

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