The Kingdom of Ruthenia

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The Kingdom of Ruthenia is another Prussian Constitutionalist Monarchy where the Karoĺ has tons of power over the democratically elected legislature aka the Veche. The Ruthenians also have a pyramid of Hierarchy which reflect their society as a whole. At the Very top is the Karoĺ of Ruthenia. Beneath him are the Posadniki, the ministers and elected officials of the Royal Veche who assist the Karoĺ in governing the kingdom. The Posadniki oversee various governmental departments and play a crucial role in implementing policies and decisions on behalf of the monarch. They are appointed by the Karoĺ based on their expertise, experience, and loyalty to the crown. 

Next in the hierarchy are the Kupiectva, Rich Businessmen and Nobles who hold significant economic and social influence within Ruthenian society. The Kupiectva are comprised of wealthy merchants, landowners, and aristocrats who control vast resources and estates. They wield considerable power through their economic dominance and often serve as advisors and patrons to the Karoĺ, providing financial support and political backing in exchange for favors and privileges.

Below the Kupiectva are the Druzhina, the Military. The Druzhina's soldiers and officers are highly esteemed in Ruthenian society, as they are tasked with defending the kingdom and upholding its laws and order. The Druzhina is organized into several Division and Regiments and they have their own dedicated ranking system with various officers and ranks, ranging from enlisted soldiers to high-ranking generals. The Druzhina is led by the Tysiatskii Posadnik or Minister of War, who serves as the commander-in-chief of the Ruthenian armed forces and advises the Karoĺ on military matters.

Beneath the Druzhina are the Tivuny, the middle class of factory Managers, teachers, and anyone who are educated and financially stable. Their name means stewards since they are subordinate to the Druzina (the Army) and the Kupiectva (The Capitalists). The Tivuny form the backbone of Ruthenian society, contributing to the economy, education, and administration of the kingdom. They hold professional positions in various fields, such as industry, education, healthcare, and management, and play a vital role in the development and prosperity of the nation. While they may not wield the same level of influence as the Kupiectva or the Druzhina, the tivun are respected members of society, valued for their skills, knowledge, and contributions to the common good.

Next are the Smerdy or free peasants, they make up half of the majority of Ruthenian society. The Smerdy are the free Factory workers, Peasants and skilled workers who have not attended college but have attended trade school and have at least a basic education. They work in various industries and trades, providing essential labor and services to support the kingdom's economy. While they possess fewer resources and social standing compared to the Kupiectva and the tivun, the Smerdy are nonetheless integral to the functioning of Ruthenian society, producing goods, food, and essential services that sustain the kingdom's population.

At the bottom of the hierarchy are the Kholopy, the Poor Peasants and Laborers who make up the the other half of the majority population in Ruthenia. The Kholopy are the bottom of the working class, toiling in fields, factories, and mines and living paycheck to paycheck to sustain the kingdom's economy and provide for their families. They have little social or political influence and are often subject to the whims of their landlords, employers, and the authorities. 

Despite their lowly status, the Kholopy are essential to the functioning of Ruthenian Industry and actually have the vote. They can vote in the Royal Veche, the democratically elected legislature of the kingdom. The Royal Veche serves as the voice of the people, representing their interests and concerns to the Karoĺ and the government. Members of the Veche, known as Posadniki, are elected by region and must gain at least 70% of the region's votes to secure a seat in the legislature. The Royal Veche has the authority to propose and enact laws, approve budgets, and oversee the administration of the kingdom, ensuring accountability and transparency in governance.

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