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{Requezted by AverageM0ldovanUser}

{The [POV] will be : [NO POV], the [TYPE] will be : [FLUFF].}

You were walking along, talking with your friend Raid, who was going on and on about how happy he was to be learning from Red Sticky Hand on how to save lives.
"Yeah yeah !! And then he told me that I could revive dead contestants, so I did!" He sputtered out with excitement in his voice.
"That's amazing, Raid!" You smiled at the contestant, before he looked over at you to ask a question.
"Hmm-- I'm curious! Have has Animatic been with you?" Raid wondered, very curious to know now.

You thought for a moment, before responding to his question. "Well, despite his chaotic trouble and problems he's caused like gluing me to a wall a couple times or accidentally making me fall into the lake nearby once, he's been okay." You answered, scratching the back of your head a bit with an awkward grin.
"Oh, so-- He's been good and-- kind of not? At the same time?" Raid continued, being a patient little lad for you to respond.
"Basically, but I know he loves me, so I don't mind it that much!" You smiled sweetly, Animatic was something else when it came to you versus other contestants, at least he was trying to be nicer to you.

Raid let out an "ooohh," before nodding, "Cool! I wish he was like that with all of us contestants--" Raid sighed, a silly smile still on his face. He thought that Animatic could be a pretty cool fellow, ... If he were only nicer to everyone. "Makes me wonder how ya got him to like you so much--"
"Oh, it was complicaaatteed! Animatic kinda-- Stalked me around a lot, it surprises me that nobody ever noticed, I think the only one who did notice was Shifty, since y'know, he's always flying around to help others out." You began, your mind began to think about your goofy lovebird, which caused your cheeks to sliiightlyy begin to flush with a light shade of red. "Even if it's kind of weird that he stalks me ever since I came here, he's still a great guy."

Raid nodded, mostly understanding what you had said, it was kind of cool to him that you were able to somehow be liked by one of the most dangerous beings here, but of course, nothing was cooler to him than helping Red Sticky Hand save people, or save RSH himself. Reminding himself about Red, he began to speak once more. "Ooh, this is making me remember Red Sticky Hand and that time I saved him !! Jej kinda seemed to get really mad or something and I sprayed his face! And Red thanked me for it!"

Hearing Raid go right back to talking about Red Sticky Hand, you chuckled, amused by this, before you and Raid both began to hear a long and faint, but quickly approaching call of your name, causing Raid to pause mid-sentence as you both looked around in confusion. That's when you recognized the voice.
"Oh, Animatic's coming to get me--" You hummed, looking towards the direction of where the voice was coming from, before looking back at Raid. "I must go then, I'll talk to you later, RaaAAIIHHUHUHHTGUHJ--- ANIMATIC !!!" You shrieked in surprise as Animatic had suddenly pounced ontop of you from out of nowhere.
"HIII [YY/NNNN] !!!" Animatic snuggled against you lovingly, despite the fact he was kind of crushing you a bit, but he felt too affectionate to care.
"ghhh-- Animatic you're crushing me !!" You flailed your arms around against the ground, as if making a snow angel, just instead, you're trying to squirm out from beneath him, but knowing Animatic, yeah he didn't let go. "At least lemme stand up-- !"

"NUH! I wan CUDDLEZSS !!!!" Animatic persisted, rubbing his cheek against you affectionately. You wanted to get out from under him, but honestly, he was being too adorable for you to resist, even if it was causing you to become a literal pancake.
"Okay okay! If I cuddle with you, will you-- Let me stand up?" You tried to make a deal with him, because he was reeeaalllyy squishing you a bit too much. "Pleeeaase?"
"YAY CUDDLES !!!" Animatic shouted, hopping quickly off of you, he had no patience and wanted the affection now, so he simply grabbed your arm, picked you up like a princess, and ran off to find a tree to sit under with you.
"ANIMATIIIICCC--" You screamed, not at all used to the speed that he has.

"Well that just happened." Raid randomly spoke out, "Anyway I'm gonna go find Red Sticky Hand !!!" He smiled brightly, walking away.

{783 Words.}

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