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{Requezted by MoonyOSA2}

{The [POV] will be : [NO POV], the [TYPE] will be : [FLUFF].}

Crazy Food and Rainbow Assortment were walking along, having small a small conversation with the other, RA was doing a lot of talk, and CF was generally just listening. CF loved listening to RA talk about colors and paints and such, it brought them a sense of comfort and joy with each word.

"Ya know, you should try painting with me sometime !! It'd be really fun!" RA smiled, taking CF's hand into hers, which caused both sides to blush.
"Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try... Just gotta hope I don't stain anything--" CF smiled, before smiling at RA. "Has anyone told you how cute you look when you're rambling--? I- I mean cuz you uh uh-- Uhm!--" CF immediately began to studder trying to explain what they just said.
"Aaw-- So you so think I'm cute, I knew it !!" RA smiled brightly in confidence, her free hand coming to her side.

CF couldn't help but become flustered, looking away from RA, taking a quick moment to try and calm themself down, CF inhaled and exhaled for a moment, before turning back over to look at RA.
"Okay okay .. You got me-- Didn't think I'd end up slipping up with my words like that ..." CF chuckled, before RA gave them a silly smooch on the cheek.
"Weeeelll! Slip up or not, you're still more adorable!" RA smiled, teasing CF playfully.

With a short stutter, CF responded with, "N- no I'm not, you are!"
RA giggled, before giving CF a biiiiiggg hug, and a few little kisses on their face. "You can't deny iiit !!" RA exclaimed happily, a bright smile on their face.
"Then that means you can't deny be super cute either!" CF countered with a playful grin.

The two simply just goofed around for the rest of the time and what not LOOK IDK I'M ZORRY THIZ FEELZ LIKE A RAREPAIR ZHIP AND IDK WHAT ELZE TO MAKE THEM DO... 😭😭

{waaaa I genuinely ztruggled to figure out what to write for theze two zo zadly, thiz waz only 361 wordz criez and explodez...}

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