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{Requezted by porgynorgy}
{You guyz really like Cane'z Cup--}

{The [POV] will be : [CANE'S CUP], the [TYPE] will be : [ROMANTIC].}

Sitting around was boring, I had nooothingg to do. Animatic's busy with Exclamation Mark, probably forgot what the challenge was, straw gang didn't let me on the team when we made them all because I was missing my straw, my team is just messing around with Bioluminescenty and Don't, dunno if those two are fine with that, but jeez ... There's nothing for me to do.

That's when I heard, "SIPPY !!!!" From my certain favorite someone, Sip-A-Bowl. I looked over towards his direction, watching him approach me with a big smile and a happy, waving arm. "Hi Cane's Cup !!"
"Ah, hello Sippy." I smiled, standing up and walking over to Sip-A-Bowl. "How's my little bowl doing?" I hummed curiously, taking his hands in mine.
"I'm doing greatssyy !!!!" Sip-A-Bowl answered with a bright, happy smile, giving me a small little kiss on the cheek, looking as silly and lovable as usual, such a sweetheart. I responded with a small kiss in return.
"That's wonderful, my dear." I smiled, sitting down so that it would be easier to talk with him, since I was taller. "Is the straw gang treating you okay?"
"sippyy !!" Sip-A-Bowl responded, throwing his arms up in the air with a happy expression, he certainly loved being around me, and that made me really happy, knowing how much he loved me.

I sighed, petting Sip-A-Bowl's straw, because he didn't necessarily have a head for me to pet, since y'know, he's a bowl, so the best thing I could resort to was the straw. He let out a little squeak when I began petting him, how sweet and adorable. He truly deserves the world ... I sighed to myself, giving Sip-A-Bowl a small "forehead" kiss. More like it was on the rim of the bowl, but close enough, he liked it anyway.
"Gehehee !!" Sip-A-Bowl giggled goofily, before hugging me tightly. "Raaahh !!! Attack of the kissy monster !!!" Sip-A-Bowl roared playfully, it wasn't much of a "roar" either, but it was adorable as hell while he gave me little kisses all over my face.
"Bahh-- Sip-A-Bowl-- I geett itt--" I laughed softly, generally loving the attention he was giving me, it felt nice since everyone else was busy or something, it just felt nice to have Sip-A-Bowl's company.

"Sippyy !!!" Sip-A-Bowl cheered in victory, having successfully gotten me to relax after giving me so many lil' kisses.
"You sure can be a lot sometimes, but I love ya for that." I smiled at Sip-A-Bowl, gently petting his straw once more, I really just liked petting him, because I knew he liked it too. Sometimes I wonder how I was so lucky to have Sip-A-Bowl, such a sweetheart and he's for me, it's lovely. I had also noticed Sip-A-Bowl had laid down beside me, his eyes closed, seemingly just looking up at the clouds.
"Wanna do cloud searching ??" He asked curiously with a tinge of joy, looking over at me as I hummed in agreement. And that was exactly what we spent then next hour doing, laying on the ground and staring at the clouds.

"Oh sippy, look, a mushroom shaped cloud." I pointed off to the right, where there just seemed to be a giant explosion, probably from Bob-Omb.
"woah ..." Sip-A-Bowl looked in amazement at the "cloud."

Man I wonder why that explosion occurred ...
"Hey guys!" Demon Core walked on over, beeeeffoore accidentally tripping and setting himself off. "Uh oh."

"Well this is quite the predicament." I looked at Demon Core, which a bright light was being produced from them.

{603 wordz.}

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