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{Requezted by WhateverILauna}

{The [POV] will be : [POPCORN'Z POV], the [TYPE] will be : [FLUFF].}

I was running along, reeal fast, I promised Minidisky I'd be there by now! Damniit I gotta stop getting distracted with my music! Gaahh !!
I felt bad, I didn't mean to take so long! I sighed and kept running, seeing Minidisky in the distance, and calling out their name. "Minidisky !! Hey! I'm sorry I'm laate!-- I got distracted!" I frowned as I called out, catching their attention.
I eventually got over to them, just plopping down face first on the ground out of exhaustion from running so much, my front side planted in the grass as I heard Minidisky speak.

"It's okay Popcorn! I actually just got here, so you didn't need to rush." Minidisky smiled, looking down at my tired self laying against the soft grass. They noticed something in my hand, it was a couple of discs, which peaked their curiosity. "Did you make some more songs?"
"Eeuuhhguuh-- Ooh-- Oh! Yeah, I did !!" Hesring Minidisky mention the two discs I had, I immediately shot up, smiling brightly as if all my energy had suddenly come back out of nowhere. "Do you have your player?"

And to answer my question, Minidisky pulled out his record player {At leazt I think that'z what they were called.} "Of course I do! Wouldn't go anywhere without it!" Minidisky replied, setting down the record player, waiting for me to place down one of the discs.
I soon set one in and the player began to emit the soft tune, while me and Minidisky just sat there quietly, listening to the peaceful song, this was one I was REEALLLYY proud of, cuz normally it's difficult to make peaceful songs!
"This is really good! How'd you even do it ??" Minidisky questioned, looking over at me.

I chuckled and gave them my response, "A good chef never tells their secret!"
"Booo !!" Minidisky stuck out their tongue in a playful manner, before laying on the grass. "Y'know, I'm kinda wondering when Animatic will show up and make us all do the next challenge and stuff--"
"Bah! Animatic is probably too busy cuddling and kissing Exclamation Mark." I rolled my eyes in a calm manner, laying down next to Minidisky as we both simply laid there, staring at the sky while the peaceful music continued.

Occasionally, I pointed out any weird looking clouds for fun, talking about how silly and stupid they looked, I don't know if Minidisky was even listening to me, 'cause they're kinda just staring at me right now, I'm gonna assume they're listening!
And of course I continued to point and talk about the clouds, which soon led me to ramble randomly about pointless things as if I was completely out of this world, my mind residing elsewhere instead of here. Minidisky did the favor and snapped me back to reality.

"Keep talking, but don't zone out-- I wanna hear all about this stuff--" Minidisky smiled calmly as I returned the smile.
I chuckled quietly, before looking back up at the clouds, ready to continue rambling. "Alrght alright-- So as I was saying--"

{525 wordz.}

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