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{Requezted by n3wb1e4lliance_}
{Now THIZ will be interezting ... 😈😈}

{The [POV] will be : [NO POV], the [TYPE] will be : [YANDERE // FLUFF].}

You were walking alone, you couldn't sleep with all the other contestants for some strange reason, you were unsure of why, but it didn't matter, you just wanted to head over to Yoshi Egg's little shop place to get something to drink before you wanted to go back to bed. However, this night felt off compared to most nights when you couldn't sleep, you couldn't help but feel a sense of concern, that someone may have been watching you while you were trudging at night in a night gown of sorts, which was basically just a light blue robe with white, fluffy edges. You glanced around, trying to see if you could spot whatever was giving you and uncomfortable feeling of being watched.
You seemed anxious, very anxious, as you were trying to think of who could possibly be watching you, despite hoping that nobody was. Shifty wouldn't do it, you would've spotted him easily due to his glowing blue color, Doorframe was asleep nearby you, so you knew it wasn't him, Spas-12 can't move on their own, Tea and Weathery wouldn't do it, they're too kind. Notepad maybe? No, Acid had left with him earlier. Do would've been visible in the dark due to their face, and Don't wouldn't do this.
It might have been B Block, due to him and his mischief, but probably not. NOBODY on team Happy Meatbill would do it, they're all either too dumb or to kind to do it, and you were heading to Yoshi Egg's shop anyway, so that instantly crossed her off the line too. Team Papaya, probably not, Exclamation Mark was glued to a tree, so it's definitely not them, and the others are too nice or not interested to watch and stalk you. It might just be Cheez-It or Nebula Void, since those two are quite interestingly strange. Most likely Cheez-It. Funny how you never thought of Specimen_8 though, even though it wasn't him anyway.

You gave everyone thought, and it only seemed most likely to be Cheez-It, so you reassured yourself that he was probably watching you to prank you, it's such a shame that you never thought about him, however. Watching you from within the nearby woods, his grinned widened, sneaking along the trees, watching your every movement. Each step you took on the soft grass beneath your feet, the quiet dragging of the robe against the grass, your precious, tired face, craving a drink.
He watched you getting closer to Yoshi Egg's shop, the perfect time to strike was when you got there to find a drink, and as the interesting fellow he is, it wasn't hard to be completely silently like Don't often is. When you had reached the shop, you went around the counter to find something to drink, with your back facing the counter, he snuck closer, managing to hide himself out of side in front of the counter, slipping a drink onto it, before tapping the counter twice, you heard it, and looked over, noticing a drink set perfectly on the counter, but "nobody" was there.
Although suspicious, you just wanted something good and refreshing, so you took the cup and left the back-counter, your eyes closing as you began to sip from the cup, drinking whatever was in the cup, though after a few more sips, you seemed to feel a bit dizzy, which wasn't good, as you weren't close by to the other contestants. You dropped the cup, your vision blurring horribly as your eyes started to slowly drift shut, your body wobbling until it came crashing onto the ground below, laying on the grass, completely silent, but of course, not dead.

Seeing this, he quickly took the chance and grabbed you by under your arms, running along into the forest, a large grin on his face as he twitched occasionally, doing his best to hold you steady so you didn't wake up too soon, as it'd ruin all of his fun, and that was the last thing he wanted. As long as he would be able to get you where he wanted before you awoken, then that'd be all he cared for in the moment.
Running along through the forest, he was humming happily to himself, his hums soft as to not wake you up, but by now, he had found the tree he wanted to sit under, a beautiful blossom tree in the middle of the forest. He sat down, holding you close as he waited patiently for you to awaken.

{Time skipping.}

After about 3 hours later, you had finally begun to stir awaken, letting out a pained groan as you felt like your head was on fire. That was until you felt the softness of a certain familiar addict's touch. With a soft purr8ng emitting from behind you, you look behind to see Animatic, he has an insanely tight grip on you, and wouldn't dare let go at all, even if you tried to squirmed away from him. He would not budge.
You seemed rather panicked, first you had woken up, unable to go back to sleep, then you got knocked out from a drink, and now you're here. Your mind couldn't process the confusion you were going through, which left you unable to realize what had actually happened, even if you felt uncomfortable sitting there due to the tight grip. Animatic was simply calm and relaxed, refusing to let you go.

"A-Animatic-- Why are you holding onto...--" You mumbled quietly, before feeling a hand cover your mouth, leaving you unable to move and speak, Animatic was determined to keep you with him.

At all costs.

No matter what.

{Zorry if thiz waz a little lazy, I waz working on onezhot after onezhot to get them done for you guyz, I would've made thiz long but meh--}
{1001 wordz.}

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