Chapter 1: Beginning

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3rd POV outside of chat unless I say so

Izuku woke up to the sound of rain hitting my window.


Izuku sat up and swung his legs over the makeshift bed, letting his bare feet touch the cold ground. He made my way over to a table that had two piles of clothes on it: one for work and one for day-to-day life. Izuku put on his work clothes, a plain black long-sleeve shirt and pants, then went to the bathroom. He made a feeble attempt at making his hair not look like a total rats nest, but it barely did anything. Izuku washed his face and brushed his teeth next. He didn't have any food at home, so he skipped breakfast and went to the door. He could eat at work anyway. Izuku slipped on a pair of red shoes, the only pair he wore out, and grabbed a pair of keys. He locked the door on his way out before checking the time on his phone and cursing himself for being late. It wasn't too bad, but Izuku didn't want to be working on food when the customers showed up.

Izuku booked it and ran full speed to the cafe he worked at, trying not to get too soaked. He managed to make it just before it started really bucketing. Izuku changed my shoes to a pair of dry, black ones he kept at the cafe and went to the back. He skipped up the stairs and went to his boss's apartment, knocking on the door. Izuku heard a groan and knew she wouldn't have been be fully awake yet, so he took out his keyring since Izuku had a copy of her key on it. He unlocked the door and opened it, already dodging as a pillow flew past his head.

"Good morning to you too," Izuku muttered.

Izuku went inside and up to the bed. He pulled the blanket off and let her feel the chill of the early morning.

"Alright, I'm up. I'm up," Mai replied with a soft groan into her pillow.

She sat up and went to the bathroom and Izuku left her alone. The greenet went back downstairs and put on an apron before he got to work on making pastries and the like. Mai wasn't the best at baking or making drinks, so Izuku usually did that while she handled the business part. He made three different kinds of cinnamon rolls (regular, apple and chocolate), croissants, muffins, brownies and biscuits that morning. Mai had always wondered how the ten year old made so many different pastries in one morning, but that always had been and always would remain his secret. Same with his recipes, Izuku was more than willing to take those to the grave.

Izuku was still pulling things out of ovens and placing them on display when Mai flipped the sign on the door to show that the cafe was open. After a few minutes, he heard the bell and went to greet the customers. It was an elderly couple that were regulars there. They were both very sweet and kind, and would come by nearly every morning. They came to the counter and Izukj took their orders before they got seated. They usually ordered the same thing each time, so Izukj knew their favorites off by heart. Mai got a tray out and loaded it with their pastries as he got to work on the drinks.

Two flat whites, one with extra sugar and one with extra milk.

Izukj was pretty sure they always got similar drinks to each other every time because they knew he'd be making them. They tried not to give Izuku or Mai too much extra work and Izuku found it sweet. Mai served them and more customers came in, coming to the counter so he could take their order. Their cafe was usually pretty slow and They'd never had more than half the tables full at once, but they always managed to sell out of everything.

Mai herself was like a mother to Izuku. Or maybe an aunt considering his actual mother... Well, he loved her nonetheless, and Izuku knew she saw him as a son. If anyone asked why a minor was working at a cafe, she always helped me out by saying he's her nephew. She knew a little about his home situation, and has been allowing Izukj to work under her since he was seven. Of course, Izukj always stayed in the kitchen instead of serving anyone to avoid suspicion.

When the cafe closed, Izuku helped pack everything away before going home. He Immediately went to a desk and pulled out his laptop. It had taken him ages to save up for a laptop and he got my phone from Mai pretty soon after he started working for her since she got worried about Izuku a lot. Anyways, he spent a few hours on it searching for files on villains or street thugs in his area. Izukj also looked at a few other cases and saved it all on a cheap flash drive. At around 9 pm, Izukj went to a secret compartment in the floor. There, he pulled out a black t-shirt, black pants, black sneakers, a dark red hoodie and a mask.

(Something like this)

He actually made this costume himself

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He actually made this costume himself. Izuku did buy the main parts, like the clothes and pads he wore underneath it, but a good portion was handmade. There's a beach near where Izuku lived that was absolutely covered in trash, so he grabbed a few things from there every once in a while. The mask had a voice filter in it so no one could recognise he voice (Izuku sounded like a broken FNaF animatronic), and was attached to the hood so it couldn't be taken off without either a special key or a code. Izuku also had plenty of weapons and homemade support items. Izuku had knives, glitter bombs, smoke bombs, a collapsible bo staff and a couple of other things hidden all over his body. He also had a utility belt under his jumper with medical supplies and pockets for small items. All in all, Izuku was quite happy with it.

When he finished putting the costume on, he snuck out through the window, mostly for fun, and made my way into the city. Izuku had a specific territory and patrol route, but sometimes veered off it a little and that was one of those times. Izuku heard a scream coming from a few blocks away from his patrol route, and immediately went to investigate. A woman was being held at a gunpoint by a man who was obviously drunk and high. Izukj walked into the alley and greeted the man like they were old friends.

"Hey, nice to see you."

The man forgot about the woman and stumbled a little as he turned to face me. Izuku got closer and he swung a punch to the boy's face. Izukj unlocked his hips to get low with his chest facing the ground and kicked up and behind him. The man's head snapped back and he stumbled more before Izuku got up and hit a pressure point to knock him out. He then turned to the woman.

"Call the police and go home. Be safe!" He called as he ran behind a building to scale the fire escape. Izuku found a drug deal next, which he stopped and had to use one of the thugs' phones to call the police since there weren't any witnesses, and went on the find fourteen more incidents.

Honestly, you'd think people wouldn't be in an area with a vigilante patrolling. Although, nobody knew his name. Izukj made sure that only the people in his area could find his vigilante name. Izukj didn't want to risk becoming well known and get targeted like plenty of vigilantes he knew. No, the name Oleander was kept as Musutafu's secret.


Hello, welcome to the first chapter of this book. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it and check out some of my other books as well (ngl they kinda suck tho). Also, Izuku is currently ten in this book and he is four years younger than Bakugo and the others. I don't know why I decided this, but I did so sue me. Anyway, see you next chapter!

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