Chapter 23: That's A Lot Of Villains

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Izuku woke up at one on the morning to his alarm blaring in his ear. Izuku forgot to check the volume, apparently. After his ear recovered, Izuku went to my closet and grabbed his vigilante costume. Shota and Mic had been meaning to take it off him and get him to stop him getting himself in danger, but Izuku told them he left it at his old apartment and secretly hid it in the closet. Izuku also hid a decoy there just in case they went looking, and also to make sure people would think he was dead or out of commission if a stranger found it. Oleander wasn't really on the news or in any articles or anything though, so it was possible whoever found it -if anyone found it all all- thought he was a weirdo.

Izuku then took both of his casts off as quietly as humanly possible and hid them under his bed before getting changed into his costume. It was nice to be wearing it again. Izuku did some stretches to make sure he wouldn't pull a muscle or anything since his arm and leg were still for so long, and opened the window. He stood there for a few moments, enjoying the fresh breeze on his face, before he jumped down into the darkness. Izuku wandered around a little before putting his mask on though, seeing as it would've been awkward if someone saw a vigilante come out of a pro hero's house. Even if Shota was underground and nobody knew his address, Izuku wasn't taking his chances.

It only took a few minutes for him to find a mugging in an alley. The victim was a young woman who was probably on her way home from a bar, and the villain was a tall, ripped man holding a large kitchen knife. He tried to stab at the woman but Izuku was quicker, jumping in the way and deflecting the hand gripping the knife with his own hand. The guy looked startled, but Izuku used that to his advantage to sweep his legs out from under his feet and knock him out with a chop to the neck. He was out before he even hit he ground.

Izuku turned back to the woman and quickly made sure she didn't have any injuries before climbing up the fire escape, calling out to the woman to call the police before the guy woke up. She did so with tears in her eyes, but Izuku's attention was averted by another scream a few buildings away. He rushed towards it and found a group of four villain cornering a mother and a five year old. Izuku resolved the issue quickly and moved onto the next.

In an hour, Izuku had resolved 23 situations. 23. In an hour. It was definitely surprised, seeing as Izuku usually only found four or five, 18 at the very most, and that was in a full shift. He ran all over the area, saving people and taking down villains left and right. Oh boy, the police station was going to have fun with this.

By the and of the four hours Izuku had given himself to do vigilante work, he had cleaned up 97 situations. Ninety seven!! Honestly, Oleander had only been gone for a week! Izuku decided another hour or so would be fine, and ended up staying up past 5:30. Five and a half hours of vigilante work was tiring, but Izuku needed to get his point across that Oleander was back and 128 situations resolved would definitely be enough.

On his way home, Izuku had to take his mask off and hide it in his hoodie so he could get near the house without drawing too much attention to it. Izuku climbed up into his bedroom window and got changed out of his vigilante costume, collapsing into the bed as soon as everything was hidden, his casts in their correct places, and Izuku was in his pj's. The adrenaline was probably the only reason Izuku had managed to stay awake after not doing anything for a week, so he wasn't surprised.


Hello, good to see you again. I just realised this book is taking a bit longer to write than my other books since I started writing the sports festival in chapter nine of my previous mha book. We're past chapter 20, and I still have more stuff I want to fit in here before getting to the sports festival. This may take a while
(°ー▽ー). Also, happy Mother's Day! 💐 See you next chapter!

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