Chapter 24: Two Times Can't Hurt, Right?

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When Izuku woke up, neither Shota or Present Mic seemed to know about his outing. They didn't mention it, hint towards it, or anything like that, so he had assumed he was in the clear to do it again. So once again, Izuku woke up at one in the morning. At least he had remembered to lower the volume on his alarm that time. Izuku quickly took his casts off, it was easier that time since he had done it before, and set them aside before changing into his vigilante costume, minus the mask, and climbed out the window.

Izuku walked around as per usual, watching for danger and getting deep into his territory before putting on my mask. It seemed like the previous night had really had an effect seeing as he could only find the usual amount of villains this time around. Izuku only stopped nine situations, pretty average, for the first two hours.

Izuku kept searching after that, and started getting worried when he could barely find anyone else, let alone a villain. Half an hour of listening carefully and leaping from buildings eventually left him with nobody. Izuku was completely alone on the streets, and it scared him more than a knife to his throat. Izuku was completely certain that was intentional, and the longer he went without sensing even a rat scurrying about, the more he was put on edge.

Izuku could feel cold sweat building up on his face under the mask covering the lower half of his face, the hair on his neck rising and his breath came out short and sharp. He pulled out two knives and hunched over in a cautious manner as he prowled the streets, walking slowly and ready to fight whenever he needed to. His eyes flitted over every detail, his ears catching every tiny sound and he could practically feel the shifts in the air when he moved.

Everything about the situation screamed danger and panic, making Izuku want to curl up in a tight ball. He eventually decided the pressure was enough and turned around to go back to Shota's house when he saw black mist filling the air where Izuku was now facing. Izuku flinched noticeably as a pale hand poked out of the swirling darkness and a face with an even paler hand on it followed.

Shigaraki Tomura grinned behind the petrified hand, Kurogiri making his shape more human-like next to him.

"Oleander," his scratchy voice said slowly. "Let's have a... Friendly chat, shall we?" Izuku stiffened at his proposal, but forced his body into a better stance. He chuckled at my reaction as Kurogiri covered them in a dome of mist.

Time skip brought to you by an author who completely disregarded her latest chapter when she realised this one was mostly completed already༺

It took three hours. Three hours it took, to fight Kurogiri and Shigaraki. Turns out, Recovery Girl had an actual reason for Izuku to keep his casts on even though he was fully healed, and that was to stop him from fighting anyone before he recovered all of his strength. From USJ, Izuku knew that kind of fight should have taken a few minutes at most and ended with two new villains in Tartarus, and yet it took three hours and he didn't catch either of them!

In the end, nobody from either side had major injuries and Kurogiri randomly warped both of them away. Izuku spent a few minutes waiting for them to appear and start attacking again, but after a while he realised they weren't coming back and simply went home.

Izuku climbed up the side of the house and went in through the window as he usually did, just in time to realise that the lights were on even though they weren't when he left. His mind, however, didn't register that fact until after Izuku saw Shota leaning against the door with his arms crossed, his gaze boring into Izuku.

"Problem child."


Hello. I know I might have mentioned that I'm taking a break from this book for possibly a few weeks, but the majority of this chapter was already written a while ago and I felt like I needed to finish it  (°σ^σ). I will actually take a break though, so don't expect chapters for a while (I likely won't stick to that and might spontaneously decide to do one or two chapters here and there, but don't get your hopes up). Well, I'll see you next chapter!

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