Chapter 5: Cue Social Awkwardness!

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When Mai opened the cafe the next morning, the pair were greeted by not only Erasure Head but Midnight and Present Mic, too. They were all in civilian clothes and came to the counter together. Izuku didn't think he could handle talking to three pros, so he asked Mai if she could take their orders. She agreed, but Izuku could tell she had something up her sleeve. Izuki peeked out of the kitchen to watch them, but Midnight noticed his fluffy green curls. She sent him a smile and Izuku immediately got back though the door and out of her line of sight. He could still hear their conversation, though.

"Who's that?" Midnight asked with curiosity.

"Oh, he's my nephew. He's been working at this cafe with me for a while," Mai replied.

"He seemed a bit shy," Midnight said quietly.

"Yeah, he's a huge fan of heroes so having three in one room? I wouldn't be surprised if he climbed out of a window and went home." Izuku knew she was joking, but the heroes didn't.

"Heh heh, sorry about that." That one was Present Mic.

"No, it's fine. I'm sure he can handle a couple of heroes, right?" She turned her head to the kitchen and raised her voice a little. Izukj poked his head out and nodded before sticking it right back in. Midnight giggled a little before they took their seats. Mai handed Izuku a piece of paper with their orders written down and he got to work on the drinks while she got the pastries. They were done pretty quickly but of course, Mai couldn't leave it alone.

"Ah," she hissed quietly as she touched the coffee machine. "Ahh, I burnt my finger. Sorry, got to go!"

Izuku didn't have time to mention that she never touched the hot part. Now, he was forced to deliver their food and drinks. Izuku picked up the tray and successfully made his way to their table without dropping anything. To his demise, they started a conversation with the boy.

"So, what's your name?" Midnight was the first to ask.

"I-Izuku. Taiyo Izuku." Of course Izukj had a fake name. He lived in an abandoned building and much preferred that to an orphanage, thank you very much. Izuku bowed and left them before they could ask anything else. There were no other customers, so he went to his bag and pulled out out phone.


A Bunch Of Idiots

BroccoliBunny: There are three pro heroes in the cafe I work at and I don't know what to do.
BroccoliBunny: I need help!

MrMaker: Why, don't you like heroes?

BroccoliBunny: Yes, but I'm also very nervous around heroes.

KissKissAllBetter: Is your boss there?

BroccoliBunny: She faked a burn to force me to interact with them.

IGiveSleep: pfft~

BroccoliBunny: What?

IGiveSleep: Maybe try talking to them?
IGiveSleep: Which heroes are there?

BroccoliBunny: Erasure Head, Present Mic and Midnight.
BroccoliBunny: They're all in my top ten!
BroccoliBunny: I know for a fact that if I try to talk with them, something will go wrong! (Probably has something to do with my social skills)

AmScreech: I have to agree with IGiveSleep on this one.
AmScreech: You managed to talk with Erasure yesterday, what's wrong now?

BroccoliBunny: The number has tripled!

Ratatouille: You should still try.

TheVerySleepyCatapillar: i agree with ratatouille and the others.

BroccoliBunny: Why!?

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