I'm scared

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I have a friend. Her name is Zain.

We were inseparable in the first, second, third grade. An Hindu and a Muslim, we were inseparable. Our mothers knew that we were amazing friends and I love her so much cause she was the best fucking five, six, seven year old ever.

She was my best friend.

After then, she moved to her home country, and we were devastated. I had only two things left of her and that was a Polaroid of us hugging while wearing this pink bow hairbands many people use to push back your hair when doing something to your face. Our cheeks were squished together and I had such a stupidly wide smile on my face. She was hugging me so tight and my mom took the photo in my balcony when she came over.

I'm crying as I write this.

I had that picture, and a hairband her mother made me.

I had that picture, and a hairband her mother made me

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And over the years, I lost the Polaroid in the midst of all my family shit and now this is all I have left.

I'm wearing it rn

I was on Pinterest watching videos on Palestine and !sr3@l. And then I rambled to my friend about how I was so upset and I was so emotional about what those Palestinians had to face and then a memory came to my head.

I asked Zain where she was from on the beginning weeks of our friendship. And she said Palestine.

I'm trembling. I don't know if shes alive. I don't know if shes okay or harmed and I know I haven't seen her in seven years but I love that little girl I was friends with with my whole heart.

I'm making my mom go through her photos and fucking search for a picture of her. Idc if it has mines in it but I'll post it on here. I need to know if shes alive.

I don't want to know she's dead.

I can't remember her last name. I'm going to ask for my mom to search for that.

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