The flawed ways of heaven

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Y/n pov
After I got out of the shower and dressed I opened the door and seen Lute half awake. She was most likely woken up by the water running. I sat on the edge of the bed and turned to her and asked "sorry for waking you up Lute." She let out a little hmm sound. I chuckled softly and she let out a yawn and I said "if you want to go back to sleep...then go ahead. I already have some clothes laid out for you today. She subconsciously leaned on me which I smiled warmly because this meant she was happy with what I was doing." I repositioned myself and I covered her with my wings as a blanket and she slept soundly. I decided some shut eye will be good for me as well. I fell into a light slumber.

Timeskip 3 hours

Lute pov
I felt something warm and soft embracing me. I rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes and noticed Y/n was using his wings as a blanket for us. I seen him peacefully resting...was heaven possibly wrong about all demons being ruthless killing machines? Y/n has been looking out for me since he found me yesterday...why the hell do I feel comfortable around Y/n...he seems to genuinely care about me more than Adam...I was a trophy wife type of figure to Adam...while Y/n treats me as an equal and actually cares about me. Y/n is holding me with the upmost respect and care. I killed countless demons and sinners...but yet Y/n doesn't hold anything against me. I'm gonna let him rest for a while longer...maybe I can go explore a bit.

I went to leave but I felt him hold onto me tighter and he whimpered "Please...don't leave me...please...I don't want to be abandoned again."  Wait...abandoned...again. Was he abandoned by someone as a child or something...he seems quite desperate with holding my wrist. I'll ask him later...this is the least I can do to repay is just let him hug me until he wakes up. I let him put me back into his arms and his wings covered both of us and he put his head in the crook of my neck and I noticed he wasn't being forceful or anything. I heard his soft breaths...I'm not experienced with these type of situations so I had no idea on what to do.

Timeskip 2 hours

Y/n pov
My eyes slowly opened and I raised my head and seen Lute say "Umm...good...morning?" I instantly fell backwards and fell off the bed." She said "Are you ok Y/n?" I stood up and started apologizing profusely fearing I did something stupid." She put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it lightly and said "quit apologizing didn't do anything wrong." I was about to say something but she pulled me into an embrace and said "the only thing you did was embrace me when you fell asleep alright." I nodded and she said "on that same note when I was getting up you told me to not abandon you...can I ask if you were abandoned as a child.

I sighed and looked out the window and said "unfortunately I was when I was young...I used to be in a foster family at the age of 7 years old...but they also fostered other kids younger then me. I turned to Lute and said "but it wasn't love they fostered us was because we were living money dispensers for them. Once every month the government would pay them for what us kids needed...but they used that money for their own gain. Since I was the oldest out of 12 other foster children and we didn't have the things we needed...I decided to find a job that'll support all of us...those jobs are also partially the reason I'm down here...those jobs...were assassination contracts...I wanted all of us kids to have everything they needed and first contractor thought I was a joke until I told him to double it and I'll take a picture as proof and made it look like an accident. He took it because he thought it'll be funny to see me fail...but I got it done in a 2 day timeframe.

When I brought it back he was stunned but he paid up which the first thing I did was get us to a safer environment so no one could hurt us...I of course felt guilty but it was for survival. I deceived those children by saying that I spilt a bunch of tomato paste working at a 5 star restaurant. I knew what I did was wrong but it was necessary. I spent countless nights unable to sleep because I relived those moments every time I close my eyes. When I turned 17 I made sure all of those children had everything they needed to be prepared for the real world. I took on the parental role for all 12 of them and the second oldest child which is Nadia is on her way to earning her bachelors degree. I raised those children to be better than me.

I began to feel tears roll down my face but I continued by saying "An old wise man once said that Good intentions lead you on the path to hell while good deeds earn you a place in heaven...but I sometimes find that saying flawed because how are people that have done good deeds be accepted if they never helped people when they had the power to."

I then said "You see when a fallen or Natural Hellborn is birthed they lose that chance to be redeemed entirely just because of their bloodline. I'm honestly afraid to tell you these next words Lute...but since your stuck here...if you try to go back to your rightful home they'll think you've been tainted Regardless of what you say or do Lute...Your a Fallen...Like Me, Vaggie, and all the seven kings of hell. Heaven only cares about themselves...All Realms are flawed to some Extent."

Lute pov
I watched Y/n begin to fall to his knees and started crying softly. I watched him crumble entirely. He kept asking for forgiveness and peace of mind. I can see how heavy this is weighing on his mind...I should've figured that heaven won't let me rejoin because of their senseless rules. I bent down to comfort Y/n. He was in an extremely dark place in his mind currently. I used my index finger to left his chin to have him meet my face and I seen the tears roll down his face. It's quite ironic that he is connected to the Sin of Envy seeing how he is anything but envious. I embraced him gently seeing how it calmed me down yesterday.

He's like 7 feet tall but he's such a soft spoken and kind hearted despite his background. I gently rubbed his back making sure not to touch the wings because the more wings the more sensitive they are to touch."

I honestly didn't know what I was doing but it seems to be effective on calming him down...I can clearly tell due to his wings aren't quivering like they were earlier. I heard a knock on my door and heard a the female Y/n was talking to yesterday ask to come in. I said "Come in."

I seen a Lucifer's daughter walk in and ask what happened after seeing the state Y/n's in.
I said "he's having it a bit rough since he won't be able to fill his promise by help me go back to heaven. How is he such a softie...aren't you gu-"

Charlie pov
I bent down next to them and put my hand on the Exorcist's shoulder and softly said "Your seeing first hand that not all demons are what you guys chart up us to be. Y/n is a prime example of what I'm currently saying. Even if Y/n wasn't connected to the Sin of Envy he would still be down here despite all the good will and things he did. He knows what he did was wrong but he did it because he had people to care for. Take a second and think please...Do you really think it was fair for Y/n to suffer this much.

He chose his "family" that he raised over you realize if Y/n didn't do those jobs that those children would probably be dead because the people that was supposed to care abandoned all of them in terms of their own you really think heaven is all that grand now that they let people suffer because of their convoluted rules?" I looked at Y/n and the Exorcist and she said "Thank you...for opening my eyes Princess Charlotte." I said "Just call me Charlie please?" She nodded and held her hand out and said "Lute." I shook her hand and said "nice to meet you Lute."

She rubbed Y/n's back and I said "can I trust you to not get in trouble around here?" She nodded and I smiled softly and said "feel free to walk around the hotel but I ask you to have Y/n accompany you if you go out." She nodded and I said "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel...Vaggie shouldn't cause you problems. Y/n talked with her about getting along with you and I expect the same from you alright?" She nodded and got up and left. I sat down with Y/n and just hugged him into my chest and did what he did for me this morning.

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