Mother and son and returning home

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Y/n pov
I'll get up now and go to the roof and call Charlie...she'll be thrilled to hear that we have a new resident. I slid out of her grasp and replaced myself with a pillow to not wake her. Once I got up I got in my black satin pajamas and put on my matching slippers and I walked out to the balcony and climbed up the ladder leading to the roof. When I got to the top of of roof I pulled out my phone and dialed Charlie and I waited for a few moments and I heard her tiredly say "hmm...who is this and why are you calling at 3 AM?" I said "h-hey babe." I heard a loud thud on her end of the line and Charlie shouted "Thank Satan you called. You had me worried and when dad said you were doing something for him. Are you safe, well fed, sad!?!" I calmly said "yeah I'm ok hun. I have good news for you." Charlie squealed and practically yelled "WHATS THE GOOD NEWS DEAR!?!?" I said "stop yelling please hun. It's 1:22 AM here...but I was able to find a new resident for the hotel and well...she's a fallen Seraphim like me...She decided to give up her status to stay by me." Charlie squealed again and I seethed which Charlie said "oops sorry...sorry...I forgot" I said "It's alright hun...we'll be back sometime tomorrow so don't worry yourself sick alright?" Charlie said "ok dear...please stay safe." I replied "I will hun. I promise you that. Love you hun." She responded the same and I hung up. I heard footsteps behind me and I heard an oddly familiar voice behind me say I turned around and seen my mother in different clothes then when I seen her in that dreamscape when I was fighting father.

(This is what Sera is wearing [Sera is Y/n's blood mother]

I turned back around and let my wings shoot out and I believe I'm beginning to get use to having my wings folded up since it doesn't hurt as bad but it does become stiff and a bit uncomfortable

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I turned back around and let my wings shoot out and I believe I'm beginning to get use to having my wings folded up since it doesn't hurt as bad but it does become stiff and a bit uncomfortable. My mother came over and looked at the starry night sky. My mother said "Aren't you supposed to be resting y/n?" Why did Emily give everything up just for someone like me...She had everything that someone could ever desire and more. Emily...why?" I was beginning to feel sad and angry at the same time." I felt my mother put her hand on my shoulder which I turned around and embraced her...I just needed someone to hug me right now."

Sera pov
I was caught off guard by my son's sudden embrace. My body froze up on me. I took a couple moments to register in my mind. I hugged him back. I needed to put my normal self away for a bit and actually be a proper parent. He's like Emily a bit...but I can't put my finger on why he is like Emily in my eyes. I gently ran my hands through his hair and he is clearly troubled by something...which I'm gonna get to the bottom of it. I softly said "what's troubling you hun?" He said "Just...everything right now mother. Between Emily giving everything that someone would ever want and our lack of new residents with Mine and Charlie's shared's just difficult to wrap my head around." I nodded and I seen a small bench and I said "let's go sit on the bench and talk hun." He nodded and he followed me over and I sat on the end and gently pushed his head onto my lap and gently ran my fingers through his hair again which seemed to relax him a bit. I heard my son say " you hold any resentment towards me for killing father? That question caught me off guard but I eventually said "No were protecting the ones you care about."

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