Velvette's Date with Y/n Pt 1

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Y/n pov
As I sat outside holding my shoulder Charlie came out spooking both of us. She said "here's a cell phone so you can call me or I can call you. She got close to my ear and said "I'm fine with sharing but remember I'm your number one girl and queen alright dear?" I nodded clear thrown off by her sudden tone so I turned towards her and kissed her on the lips which she grabbed my cheeks and deepened the kiss. I heard a car honk and heard footsteps approaching and Velvette said "alright what the hell is happening here."

Charlie separated and said "well to answer your question Velvette I'm kissing him. I'm fine with sharing but I'm number one." Velvette said "right...fine I'm game but HE owes me a date so I'll be taking him now." She grabbed me and dragged me to her car and tossed me into the passenger seat. I seethed in pain and she got in and started the car and said "how long have you kept this from me?" I said "I just found out when you did. I'm dense as hell aight?" She said "next question how did you get so fucked up?" I replied "went on a rampage and got my shit kicked in from the big boss himself. He rendered me unconscious for a couple days. So that's why I missed our date." I groaned "damn shoulder fuucckk."

She stopped the car and said "we're here. Come on get out. Your outfit looks horrible so I'm gonna get you into proper attire. I clutched my shoulder which she noticed and then asked "how bad is the shoulder pain? I can't work if you're in pain." I said "feels like I got stabbed by a Holy Excalibur or something close to that." She said "follow me." I did and we entered some type of penthouse and she pointed at the bed and said "Strip" I was stunned but I agreed anyways. I walked to the bathroom and undressed and wrapped a towel around my waist. I exited and she had an ample blush and she had a towel wrapped around her chest and her clothes were on the bed.

She pulled my hand and we entered a room which had something similar to a hot spring. She sat in it and pointed in front of her which my blush was still apparent but I sat in front of her. She said "you can stop clutching your shoulder. It's just gonna make it worse sugar." I listened to what she said and she said "try to relax as best as you can and let me take care of your health alright." I kept quite clearly embarrassed because not even me and Charlie got to this level yet so I'm fairly new to this. She noticed my nervousness and said "let me're new to this aren't you?" I replied "just...a bit?"

She laughed and hit my back and said "just a bit huh...hahaha this is so funny yet cute." She pinched my cheeks and said "How can strong and powerful as you...can be this meek and timid for such small acts of intimacy?" My cheeks turned a darker red and she said "alright...alright that's enough teasing for now...don't need you fainting now do we?" She gently lifted my sore arm and she dug her fingers into a certain spot on my arm and my muscles relaxed a bit but quickly tensed up again. She said "You know...I wonder how angelic wings work. Can you show me sugar?" I nodded and I let my wings slowly come out of my back and I said "Be careful their sen-" she grabbed one and I started trembling and breathing heavily by her suddenly grabbing one." She was too awe struck from my wings and started brushing her hands against it." I quickly retracted them into my body and she was taken off guard.

She seen my body trembling and how red my face was. She than asked "Are you...ok?" My mind was on a frenzy which I suddenly turned around and slammed my lips against her roughly and full of passion. I just need this to get my head on straight.

Velvette pov
WHAT THR HELL!! I was stunned and I seen his eyes closed with a couple tears rolling down his cheeks. I can tell by his reaction that I must've did something wrong." I can feel the warmth of his breath and softness of his lips. I decided to return the kiss. I put my hand on the back of his head and deepened the kiss. We kept kissing for a few moments. Soon we separated and Y/n's body was quivering. He said between breaths "" It took him a few moments to calm his body. He looked at me and said "a demon or angel wings are perhaps the most sensitive part of the body Vel. They work similarly to a bird or bats wings." 

I nodded in agreement and I decided to get back to easing up his shoulder. I'm quite enjoying bathing with him. I started applying pressure to specific spots on his arm to loosen up the muscle. After loosening up his shoulder I took a second to gaze at his toned body. I decided to feel it up his body which he blushed immensely. I ran my hands down his torso and I started fantasizing about him just taking me now. I was snapped out of my trance when Y/n snapped his fingers a couple times. He said Umm...are you alright you've been touching my body for a while?"

I blushed and stopped immediately and laughed nervously and said "uhh...I was getting your measurements is all...yeah that's it." He smiled playfully and said "Uhh huh...all you had to do was ask." I blushed an even brighter red when he suddenly swapped our positions. He softly put his hands under my breasts and he whispered in my ear "I guess it's only fair for me to "measure" you in return...right~~" I was caught off guard completely by his change in behavior. I watched him reach over and grabbed some soap and lathered up his hands and he started to gently lather my body with soap. Damn it how is he this...good? The feeling of his hands and how he was being delicate and gentle is too stimulating for me. How is he this good with his hands?" I reached my arms back and put them around his neck and said "how...are you...this good?" He said "it's something I picked up in the living realm...this is my way of thanking you for loosening up my arm."

I can feel him moving down my body but I wasn't prepared for him to go down there yet. I grabbed his wrist which stopped him and I looked up at him and I was a bit uncomfortable yet and I said "not there yet sugar...I looked away nervously and mumbled "not comfortable yet with that." He nodded and he smiled softly at me and said "I understand Vel." I thanked him with a kiss on his jaw and after I got done washing the rest of myself.

I said "switch spots with me please." He nodded and got up and sat in front of me and I decided to start with his hair and work my way down." I started to gently wash his hair and noticed how soft and smooth it was. After I got down washing and rinsing his hair I decided to treat him a bit. I lathered my breasts and started washing his body this way. I can tell he was a bit caught off guard by my tactics. As I was washing his back I can tell he was in a trance of his own. Must be fantasizing about me. Take that Charlie!

I decided to do something to see his reaction. I stopped lathering his back with my body and I leaned close to his neck and I knew what I was looking for...the sweet spot. I kissed him a couple different spots but wasn't receiving the reaction I wanted. I was searching for another spot until his body tensed up and I watched goosebumps appear down his arm. I must be getting extremely close. I searched the area until Y/n let out a small audible gasp. Bingo...time to dig in. I brought my lips close to his skin and I used my other hand to lather the front of his body. I gave a small peck to see what would happen. He let out another small gasp. He said "what are y-" he stopped midway with his sentence and let out a small moan which he blushed madly. I found it amusing and cute. I started to lick the area where my lips were covering.

Without warning I was tossed over his shoulder in front of him without warning and he hugged me tightly so I couldn't move much. He said in my ear "you're playing a dangerous game you know~~ At least wait a bit. We're going a bit too fast Vel. My mind still needs to adjust to your previous love assault. Please hold on a bit longer. Remember what Charlie said to you about her being the number one. I'm just as impatient as you Vel but if Charlie catches wind we're both fucked...Literally."

I can hear the cautiousness in his voice and he said "I'll cut you a deal Vel. If you can wait till Charlie goes first. You'll be second at any costs...just please hold on a bit longer. We can continue what we were doing but we can't go any further than we are this second." He's looking out for my safety. Charlie can be terrifying when she wants to be." 

I pulled him into a soft kiss and after we separated I said "you best keep your promise sugar." He nodded and I started washing his front and I came across that scar again and traced it. He pushed my head against his chest and said "even the strongest beings can be hurt Vel." I listened to his heart beat and after a few minutes I pulled away. I finished washing his torso and I was nervous at washing down there. He said "don't force yourself." I nodded but I wanted to measure up his size. I toughened up and started to wash his rod and I can tell it was massive. I pushed my fantasies aside and finished washing him. After we got down we both got out and he let me change first

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