Pentious's punishment and trust exercises

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Y/n pov

I was heading that way when Pentious strolled out with a machine. I seen Vaggie walk over to Pentious and said "ok what the hell is this?" Pentious responded "it's my new invention the Skin Flayer 11,000 I look forward to shooting the other residents. I walked over and said "Ok you have 5 seconds to start explaining before I destroy it." Pentious responded "Everyone is far too nice...they must be planning something aga-. The hotel door was knocked on and Charlie opened it and 2 demons came in and said "sign please." Pentious slithered passed me and said "oh good my new weapon parts from Carmine products." I was a bit frustrated with Pentious's crap. I walked over and snatched the Clipboard from one of the females and broke it in half with my knee and I said "Sorry but no one is signing anything. It's already bad enough as is. The females were shocked and one of them lunged at me in a fit of anger and I snapped my fingers and shadows flew over and subdued the both of them. I said "I'll say this once so listen closely girls. Don't try that shit again. You standing in front of the king of Envy so I suggest you to take the parts and issue NO refund and tell Carmine to reject any order from Pentious. I didn't want to subdue you but your short temper ended you in this mess. If you do try to attack me again I'll have to subdue both of you. Do we understand each other. If we do order anything it'll either be from myself or Charlie. I bid you two adieu for now. I snapped my fingers and they were dragged into the ground Charlie shouted "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" I gave her a side glance and said "I didn't harm them I simply transported them back to Carmine. So relax." Charlie seen my irritated look and nodded. I looked at Pentious and said "everyone here is being nice because we want you to feel welcomed but ordering highly dangerous parts for weapons is absolutely unacceptable." He looked around and everyone was glaring at him but Emily and Charlie." He said "I have doubts." I picked him up by the collar and said "Listen Pentious and listen very close because I'll say this once and you better listen. Everytime you do something Sinful I will personally evaporate one of your precious Eggies. Don't try this shit again do we understand each other pentious!" He nodded and said "anything but my minions." I then said "The behave yourself. We aren't trying anything against you. We are trying to redeem you by giving you the necessary tools for you to gain your wings." I put him down and Charlie said "anyways let's start today's activity." I calmed myself down and I turned towards Charlie and awaited her instructions. She said "today we're doing TRUST EXERCISES!" I watched everything change and she was floating and Vaggie was as well.

I seen Alazia about to leave so I walked over to her and said "where ya going Alazia?" She patted my head and said "just have some errands to run...but I'll be back before you know it Y/n." I said "I feel like something is off so I want someone to accompany you. I'm gonna have Pentious's little gang go with you. They might not be the smartest and follow orders like a bat but they can scope out potential threats." Alazia said "oh you don't
ne-" I cut her off and said sternly "I wasn't asking. Something is gonna happen so the eggs are going with you if you like it or not." I snapped my fingers and the eggs were summoned and I turned towards them and said "I have a task for you to uphold." The eggs looked at each other and one of them asked "Whatcha need boss?" I said "I want you to accompany her and keep an eye out for any danger. Don't annoy her for she has full permission to crush you. Something is gonna happen so keep your eyes open and have your guard up. If you succeed in this task I'll let you have some Chocolate lava pancakes (or waffles)
So do your best in this task." They nodded and the eggs followed Alazia out.

I turned around and Vaggie said "you're up
Y/n. We're doing trust falls. I nodded and I walked over and said "what's the instructions?" Charlie said "so you're gonna share something vulnerable about yourself and fall backwards." I nodded and I stood on the stage. Something vulnerable about myself...yeah I can do that? I'll mention my parents...I doubt they know who my mother is besides Emily and possibly Lute." I took a deep breath and said "I'm the direct offspring of King Leviathan and my mother is...the highest seraphim on the angelic court Sera. I decided to go further and said "When I was alive I was terrified of...being alone and dancing. I turned around and whispered to myself "here goes nothing." I leaned backwards and started falling when Emily caught me. She helped me stand and I looked at Emily and said "my secrets are out for all of hell to know."

Vaggie pov
Wait...he's the son of Sera...What the hell? Charlie pulled me aside and said "this Trust Exercise was a you have anymore ideas." I put my hand on her shoulder and said "give me a few moments alright?" She nodded and I sat there deep in thought and I had an idea. I walked over to the others and shouted "ALRIGHT EVERYONE FOLLOW ME AND DON'T FALL BEHIND!" I decided to take them to the destroyed city to join people on a turf war." When we arrived Charlie shouted "THIS IS YOUR TRUST EXERCISE?!?" I said "Charlie you told me to come up with a trust exercise and this is how I learned to trust." I turned and said "there's no way to trust more than fighting with you fellow comrads. BUCKLE UP BOYS BECAUSE THIS IS WHERE YOU BECO-" I seen Y/n run by and said "NOW THIS IS WHAT A TRUST EXERCISE SHOULD BE!" I watched him jump off and I was taken aback because Y/n didn't even care to wait!" I turned towards the others and shouted "ITS TIME TO FOR YOU BOYS TO BECOME MEN!"

With Y/n

Y/n pov
Time to go all out and don't hold back or you'll never defeat Adam! I agreed with the voice in my head and shouted "SWIGGITY SWOOGITY IM COMING FOR YE BOOTY!" I shoulder charged one of the demons and they got flung about a mile away. I seen Niffty bolt pass me laughing sadistically! I seen angel about to be jumped and I jumped and with the momentum I gathered I drop kicked the demon and I said "Just dropping in Friend!" The demon guy launched and hit 3 more. Be and angel were surrounded by at least 30 or more demons. She looked worried and I said "Angel let's do this." She heard my voice and I heard a familar voice said "HEY ANGIE CARE HEADS UP! I couldn't believe my eyes Cherri dropped from the sky and a bomb exploded underneath her. Angie smiled and I said "HEYO CHEERI LONG TIME NO SEE MY EXPLOSIVE FRIEND!" She looked at me confused and I said "We all fought Pentious on his ship remember." Her eyes glistened and she ran over and picked me up and spun me around and said "FINALLY WE MEET AGAIN!" One of the demons said "don't ignore us." Cherri let me go and I said stand back for a second my chaotic friends. I'll handle this!" They backed up and my horns, wings, and tail shot out and I said "TIME TO RIP AND TEAR TILL THERES NO MORE!" I held my hand up and a giant pentagram appeared and I said "I call upon Mattias the abyssal dragon to help eradicate these low class demons." I heard a massive roar and I looked up and Mattias heard my call and he landed on a crowd of demons and he took a breath and started spewing a ancient demonic poison to end this turf war in one blow. I was exhausted and I held my arms close and shot them out to my sides and Me, Angel, Cherri, and the other members and residents of the hotel was shielded from the posion. I pointed straight ahead and said "you know what to do Mattias."
(Mattias is pronounced Mat-tea-es so you know how to say it)

Vaggie pov
I was in pure shock at Y/n's power. He summoned one of the most dangerous creatures in all Realms and it is listening to him" I took note of my clothing glowing a dim white hue. I watched all the demons in battle started falling one by one and set off a domino like reaction. I looked at Charlie and she was stunned like me." The beast kept spewing a purple fog until Y/n said "Enough Mattias. You may leave." I looked around and seen we were in some type of giant dome. After a few minutes the fog dissipated and the dome began cracking until it shattered like glass and floated away. Me and Charlie didn't waste anytime to go to Y/n." We seen him holding his stomach and he was breathing heavily. I walked over to him and said "ok explain how you were able to summon one of the most dangerous entities in all realms.

He didn't respond and We all suddenly got worried and Charlie walked in front of him and lifted his chin. She called me over and I walked over and seen one of his eyes was glowing an extremely bright F/c and tears of golden blood rolled down his face and he took a second until he stood up and he shook his head violently. He said "does anyone have an eyepatch or something to cover my eye. It seems exerting that much magic has made my eye a bit fuzzy. Lute walked over and pulled out one and he put it on and he said"It needs time to heal. I could use my magic but that's a risky endeavor for now. He looked at our expressions and said "why is everyone looking at me as if I died." Lute said "we just seen you summon one of the 6 most dangerous creatures in all realms. So how the hell did you do that?" Y/n rubbed the back of his next sheepishly and said "well...when my father died by my hand his powers were transferred to yeah. One of his powers was to summon demonic creatures to his own's more complex than you may think. The best way to explain it is that i can summon demonic creatures to obey my commands ...but there's a catch. The more powerful the creature it is the more demonic magic I have to put in it. I overdid it and my body was injured from it." It doesn't take anything fatal but overusing my magic can temporarily blind or deafen me in exchange. But the injuries are never fatal. So yeah. I watched him throw his hands up and said "Ta da I can summon demonic creatures." He took the eyepatch out and seen him open his eye and said "ahh that's better." He walked over to the stairs and we quickly followed him up them and he stretched and let out a sigh of relief and said "just what the doctor ordered." We all decided to head back to the hotel and take a break.

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