Chapter 133 [Final Chapter] End!

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Ningning's mind went blank. The storm raged, with heavy rain almost engulfing the boat, but its body stood firm like a sword, slowly advancing against the wind. The melodious singing of orioles rose, hidden in the fragrant night hues, light and urgent, striking the surface of the water, causing ripples. Ningning's voice fragmented into disjointed pieces, occasionally biting her lip, taking a deep breath before calling him again, "...Pei..." A wave hit, the orioles were struck down by the storm, emitting a mournful cry. The teenage boy, so close, paused as she choked up, whimpering like a small creature, softly uttering his name, "Pei Ji."

Each sound melted his heart. "Does it hurt?" Clumsily kissing her, his tone full of pity and panic, as if wanting to retreat. Before he could act, soft hands covered his back. Ningning groped in the darkness, unconsciously pressing down to prevent his withdrawal. Pei Ji's body was hot, like a tightly stretched iron. She was so embarrassed but had to tell him with a blush and a trembling voice, "Continue." In the quiet spring night, Pei Ji's body temperature suddenly rose. It felt as if his pupils were about to melt. A few scattered apricot blossoms floated in from outside the window, and the boat continued to move forward. The waves grew more intense, the gorge narrower, the boat swayed backward intermittently, rocking gently. After a brief pause, it moved forward abruptly against the wind. The sound of flowing water filled the air, the river's scent heavy in the spring night, and the orioles couldn't withstand the fierce storm, emitting weak cries again. In the spring night mist, shadows entwined. "Ningning." Pei Ji called out her name, his voice hoarse to the point of being unrecognizable. His thin lips brushed against her neck, the pressure gradually increasing, intimate yet possessive. Ningning heard him murmur, "I like you." In moments like these, Pei Ji always acted like a child, as if he could never say enough, willing to tell her every day. Hearing it now only made her feel tingly and flushed all over. "I'm... very happy to be married to you." The boat sailed past the reflection of the clear moon on the horizon. Pei Ji looked up at her, his face visibly blushing, throat moving lightly, "Is it okay?" Ningning turned her head away, nodding ever so slightly. After a brief pause, Pei Ji leaned down, kissed the moon's reflection in the water. The moon's reflection was round and shiny, shimmering in the water like a ripple. The river's warmth seeped through, soft and inviting, as if hiding endless whirlpools, ready to engulf him. The boat moved, the tide suddenly receding, clearing a path. Unused to such movements, the water in this secluded valley had always been gentle, never experienced such intensity, momentarily at a loss, overwhelmed by the rushing waves. "You..." Ningning blushed intensely, her voice barely audible, "Where did you learn this from..." She stopped midway, her voice trailing off, biting her lower lip. "The book said—" Pei Ji took a shallow breath, surprisingly gentle in his gaze, "The book said, this will make you feel less uncomfortable." Ningning had seen many sides of Pei Ji, distant, aggressive, smiling, and shy, but never like this. His eyes misty, soft like honey, cheeks flushed, even shivering, too nervous to meet her eyes. He pursed his lips, hesitated, and asked, "Am I doing it wrong?" Pei Ji had never experienced this before, and just before their marriage, several senior brothers and sisters had shown him some instructional books. He studied them earnestly, not wanting her to suffer because of him. But when he saw Ningning, all those words and pictures vanished from his mind, leaving only instinct to guide him. With his chest still warm, Ningning dared not breathe heavily, wanting to knock his head and say, "You're so clumsy."

At any time, Pei Ji would always ask her embarrassing questions in a serious manner. Does she have to reassure him by casually saying, "You're doing great, I really like it"? Ningning... "It's... it's fine, quite good." Admitting such things in person, she truly felt embarrassed to death. So the lingering kiss fell again, the round moon swayed, leaving tiny red marks. Above the gorge, white waves flew in all directions, the moonlight shattered into trembling pieces of shimmering white, constantly advancing and retreating until the boat finally reached the deepest point. Pei Ji's muscles were tightened to the point of trembling, feeling like his bones were on fire. This kind of scene had only appeared in his unspeakable dreams before. The girl he longed for was willing to accept him, in the rich dark red surroundings, Ningning felt pleasure from his kiss, her black hair scattered, her eyes dark and lustrous, like the tide rising in the moonlit night. She was unbelievably soft, reminding Pei Ji of the clouds on a leisurely spring day, soft to the touch, capable of melting away all his fervor and sharp edges. The moonlight was quiet and serene, various muffled sounds blending together. The girl's long hair poured down, pressed under the surging red waves, casting a dense shadow on Pei Ji's broad back, calling her "Madam" in a hesitant tone. He loved this term of endearment, smiling to himself, his eyes reflecting a faint light, incessantly whispering "I love you" between kisses. Waves of heat constantly assaulted them. The unfamiliar, surging sensations repeatedly intruded, the night wind blowing in front of her, bringing a completely different chilly feeling. One moment hot, the next cold, the two sensations intertwined, the wind in the gorge becoming urgent, finally erupting into roaring waves and turbulent waters in the bright moonlight. The oars were swallowed up by the waves, Pei Ji's back stiffened, the red on his cheeks deepened. Almost at a loss, he opened his mouth, "Ningning, I..." Ningning covered her face with her hands. The orioles couldn't bear the scorching heat, their feathers trembling lightly. In the dead of night, all things fell silent. The wind and rain in the gorge subsided, the boat departed, Pei Ji lowered his eyes to look at the tranquil and secluded forest stained with red marks. He felt extremely embarrassed, his guilt intensifying, reaching out as if in a trance, wanting to wipe away all the impurities. Ningning noticed his movement, endured the pain, and said, "...Don't." Only then did Pei Ji lift his long lashes to look at the disheveled young girl in disarray.

The bed was a deep red, but she was flawless in white. Her black hair fell down, and upon closer inspection, one could see the heart-wrenching red marks beneath the winding strands of her dark hair. Pei Ji's gaze flickered slightly as he carefully lay down and covered her with a quilt. Ningning's face was even redder than those marks, and with a slight movement, she snuggled into his arms. The soft and gentle touch, for just a moment, made him completely defenseless. The indescribable fire still lingered in his chest, filled with love and a desperate need for release, yet he held back, unable to release it— Pei Ji saw Ningning furrow her brows tightly, unwilling to let her endure pain. She must have felt that burning flame, lifting her head to look at him with questioning eyes. Though her gaze was as gentle as water, it only fueled the flames hotter and hotter. "...It's okay." His voice was hoarse, "Don't be afraid, it will be over soon—" Before Pei Ji could finish his sentence, it turned into a muffled groan. Suddenly, Ningning kissed his throat, while at the same time, she moved her knee forward and explored with her leg. The tide had not receded, and all senses were unnaturally sharp. Her touch was fleeting but persistent, making Pei Ji unable to stop trembling, the mist in his dark eyes thickening, and he anxiously called out, "Ningning." "You don't have to worry about me." She lightly nibbled on that bone, her voice murmuring like a cat, "I'm not afraid, and... it doesn't hurt." She always accommodated him like this. There was no one else in the world who could treat him better than the girl in his arms. Pei Ji found it hard to control his deep love for her. "Not tonight." His rough, long fingers stroked her back, greedily inhaling the sweet, warm fragrance of gardenias in the air, his voice ending with a faint smile, "Ningning, there's a long road ahead." There's a long road ahead. In the future, they would have many, many moments that belonged only to them. The warmth from Pei Ji's body spread to her face, and Ningning mumbled softly, "Hmm." The silent spring night, the wind calm and the water still. Ningning closed her eyes in his arms and wearily bid him goodnight, "Goodnight... Pei Ji."

Her forehead received a gentle kiss. This kiss held no desire, like a shy spring rain, as Pei Ji's voice, wrapped in the evening breeze, told her with infinite tenderness, "Ningning, goodnight."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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