Chapter 1

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Marjorie's POV:

I walk back into the seminar thing we have to do after full blast shouting at Reece. We'd finally made up so I probably had a goofy grin on my face. I almost fell asleep during the seminar and when it was finally over I practically sprinted out the place glad it's finally over. I go back to the nursery and sit down the goofy grin still plastered onto my face.

Autumn shoots me a weird look. She's almost questioning me and I know what she's about to ask before she can ask it "how was the seminar" she smirks. I try to get my face back to neutral and it obeys. "Yeah it was good so how's the nursery?" I question her changing the subject. She shrugs looking back down at her computer obviously thinking up a good reply. "Uh yeah it's alright. Uh there was a complaint from a parent but I handled it" I rolled my eyes. Of course there was a complaint. It wouldn't be a normal day if there wasn't at least five. Autumn was staring at me and I knew she wanted details on the seminar but I wasn't giving in so easily. "That Jedi mind trick might work on winter but it doesn't work on me" I tell her raising an eyebrow staring right back. She continues staring raising both her eyebrows obviously hoping I'd crack but I wasn't going to crack that easily. "Did something happen with my brother?" She finally asks. How did she know? "Maybe" I give her a wink. A disgusted look crosses her face as she looks at me "you did it at the seminar?" She questions me sounding like she's about to throw up. I let out a gasp surprised that she'd even think of that "what? No we just talked" I practically yell. She says oh looking down. "Who are you to judge miss I do it in a nursery 10 feet from my own dad" I laugh crossing my arms. "Touché" she rolls her eyes. I look away looking back as she asks her next question "so why you so giddy if all you did is talk" she says looking unconvinced. I shrug pursing my lips and she shoots me a persistent look. "Finally straightened a few things out" I finally reply. She asks about Mia so I tell her that Reece is breaking up with her. "Carly are you eavesdropping?" I ask out of nowhere. "No" a voice calls out. Autumn lets out an irritated breath. "Carly please get back to work" I call out. "I am" she calls back even though she's clearly not. I nod even though I know she's not "what were you going to say about Mia?" I turn back to her telling her we're expecting some backlash "you can expect that from Mia" she agrees with me. I ask for her help if she goes cray cray Mia but before I can finish she agrees which surprises me. "Really?" I ask not believing she'd agreed without having to be convinced. "Did you really think that was something I was going to say no to?" She purses her lips. "Fair enough" I reply.

"What the bloody hell was that" I crease my brow worriedly when we hear something that sounded like cars crashing. Carly comes rushing in "I know you told me to get back to work but there's something you really need to know an angry redhead just pulled up in the car park" we both look at her worriedly both knowing it's Mia "and Marjorie your cars been totalled"

Autumns POV:

When I heard the crash I was shaking nervously wondering what had possibly happened but then Carly comes in letting us know what had happened.  "Mia" we both said simultaneously when Carly had finished speaking.. Marjorie was so strong and I couldn't imagine her losing it but I could tell she was shaken up. She tried to hide the tears that began to show up in her eyes but was unsuccessful.

"Oh Marjorie" I hugged her. After the hug I was very surprised with myself. It was completely out of character to hug anybody. I didn't even hug Reece when we were kids.

Reece's pov:

I decide to call Marjorie after I got back to the nursery. She picks up within seconds immediately saying "she didn't take it too well" clearly being sarcastic. "Could've been worse. Stapler could've actually hit my head. She let my car intact this time" I could tell she'd rolled her eyes on the other line as she replied "oh well how lucky for you she's just totalled mine" I sighed. "Should've known she'd come straight to you do you want me to come over?" I'm trying to make an excuse to see her but to my disappointment she says no. "No need like I said I've got my guard dog. Us girls got this" I hide my disappointment replying with "great" before questioning her if she still thinks I'm worth all this Agro. "You had better be good where it counts" she replies. I wanted to make her blush so I reply "I'm phenonemal where it counts" I could hear her breathing on the other side of the line but she stays silent for at least 5 minutes "I can't wait to show you what phenomenal actually looks like I'll see you later" and before I can reply she's gone.

Marjorie's pov:

After that phone call autumn asks if I need to take a cold shower "honestly I need an ice bath right" I click my finger "need to keep a clear head" "Marjorie" Mia shows up in the entrance. I sigh "hello Mia how's it going" I say in a cheerful voice. Autumn smirks looking down. "I'm guessing you already know?" She asks but before I can answer she turns to autumn "autumn" she looks her up and down "Mia" autumn replies with an eye roll. "Well well look at you all grown up it's been a long time" autumn doesn't say anything for a few minutes but when she finally does I hold in a laugh "I see that time hasn't been very kind to you"

"Wasn't kind to you either though was it no relationship with your brother at all" she says back "you're welcome for that". Autumn immediately gets a glint in her eye and moves towards Mia with both hands raised but I pull her back. "Woah woah woah autumn I'm not letting you go to prison for that" I look at Mia "and you, you have just smashed my car to smithereens. I'd say that were even" I tell her but Mia lets out a snort. "Even?" She questions continuing to laugh and I reply "yes!" But she tells me that was her opening act and that she's just getting started. I don't want to admit it but at that line I became scared at what else she might be capable of and I knew she could smell fear from what Reece had told me about her but she didn't say anything. I roll my eyes "are you seriously gonna go and do all this for a man you don't even want?" I question. She smiles at me "Marjorie you should see the things I've done in the past just for fun I can't wait to get started with you two" a wide smile shows up on her face. I raise an eyebrow before saying "you really think you're gonna win against us?" She rolls an eye "please I could easily take on the two of you". Out of nowhere the door swings open making Mia fall face plant on the floor. "Clearly can't take on the door can you though?" Winter asks laughing. "Mia I know you can't see because your currently face planting the floor but that's my boyfriend winter" she grins before leaving and winter runs after. "Well I gotta go see a dog about a cat" I step over Mia leaving the office.

The first chapter is just an introduction I'm not doing it all on the storyline I just wanted to get the intro outta the way

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