Chapter 11

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Marjorie's POV:

I hear my phone vibrating and immediately pick up "hello?" I ask into the phone unsure of who was calling me the morning of the holiday. I knew it was probably Reece but I wanted to make sure. "Hey Marj it's autumn uh just making sure winter and I are in charge?" She asks in a questioning voice. I immediately reply with yes "that's good uhm enjoy your holiday but don't enjoy it too much" she warns. I giggle at the warning "thank you Aut bye I'll see you in 2 weeks" we say bye back and forth for five minutes before I finally got the courage to hang up.

Reece's POV:

I arrive outside Marjorie's house ready for the weeks that were to come. Marjorie's overpacked compared to how many bags I'd brought "let me take those" I take her three bags placing them in the boot of my car "thanks Reece" she smiles gratefully. I nod "anytime"

"For taking my luggage and you know my locket, bracelet and of course this gorgeous holiday you spoil me too much" she says smiling a genuine smile. "Well you deserved to be spoiled rotten" I lean over kissing her gently before sitting back into my seat starting the car. I hear the engine roar and immediately begin driving.

Just over an hour later we arrive at the airport going through security eventually reaching the end. Both Marjorie and I realise that we left too early and sit down for the two hour wait we'd now have till boarding started. As we sat I took Marjorie's hand in mine "I'm glad we're doing this Marjorie" she nods in agreement thanking me for what seemed like the millionth time "it's no problem" I say yet again and she smiles at me.

"I'll be back in a minute" I whisper in Marjorie's ear. She nods half asleep. She had her head on my shoulder with her eyes closed. I gently place her head on my bag before going over to the shop across from where we were sat. I pick up a travel pillow choosing a purple one because I know it's her favourite colour. I then grab three or four magazines, a romance book, a sandwich and a bottle of water. She wakes up when she hears me shuffle the bag and place her head back on my shoulder. "Here you go hon I got you a headrest thingy just in case your neck gets sore during the ride, a sandwich and drink in case you get thirsty or hungry, a book and a few magazines just in case you get bored. It's a long plane ride you know" I say handing her each item as I mention it. A surprised look crosses her face. "Reece that's so thoughtful thank you" she gently kisses me a smile crossing her features. I put my arm around her shoulder. "Go back to sleep still another half hour to kill and I know you're exhausted" I whisper into her ear. She laughs. I know she's ticklish around the ears. "Thanks reece" she whispers quietly.

Marjorie's POV;

I would probably have never slept in an airport if Reece wasn't with me. I felt safe with his arm around me, as if nothing bad could happen. I'm deep in thought when everything goes black and I'm asleep again.

The next time I wake up I hear someone calling out our flight. Reece carries some of my luggage. He can be so thoughtful sometimes. We join the queue to board. I feel the cold breeze and I am immediately frozen stops outside. As if reading my thoughts Reece takes off his jacket placing it around my arms "you're shaking. I thought you might need it" he smiles.

They're finally on their way on holiday!

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