Chapter 6

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Reece's POV:

Carly came running into my office the day after the date. "So how was your weekend" she smirks. I know she must know about the date or she wouldn't smirk after the question "it was good yeah" I nod looking down at the roster I was planning. "So what'd you get up to?" She persists. I shrug "oh ya know I was just in bed all weekend" I'm still looking at the roster. I can tell she's thinking as we sit in silence for a few seconds "what were you doing in bed all weekend?" She questions me as if it's an interrogation "watching Tv" I reply immediately finally looking up from the roster. She squints her eyes and looks me up and down. "What were you watching?" She continues. I bite my lip "uh season 9 of game of thrones" she laughs "there are only eight seasons of game of thrones!" She shouts. I roll my eyes "it got realised this weekend" the lie slips easily out of my mouth "don't lie you were in bed all weekend with Marjorie having se-" I cut her off. "Woah woah woah how do you even know about that you're like-" this time she cuts me off asking "12?" I shake my head "I was going to say 13 you've shot up since the last time I saw you"

Marjorie's POV:

It was Tuesday morning. I'd taken the day off yesterday since I was tired and go into the nursery. I flip my hair sitting down with a smile on my face. "Ah morning autumn You alright?" I ask smiling at the my co-worker. "You look very perky today" autumn looks up from her computer to stare at me. I nod raising an eyebrow "why wouldn't I?" I ask. "You called in sick yesterday I assumed you were unwell" she reminds me. I nod "oh yeah that I'd had a bit of heavy weekend and I just needed Monday to recover" I look down. She narrows her eyes "heavy weekend? did you go out drinking?" She finally asks. I shake my head. "No no I um found this new workout instructor on YouTube" I say slowly making up the lie easily. She looks at me strangely. "You needed yesterday off because you did a workout" she says in disbelief. I lick my lips "well it wasn't just the erm one he.. the instructor on YouTube was very um rigourous" she looks down as she asks how many workout I did. "Honestly I lost count but you know he was really thorough and you know he'd work you really really hard and then just when you finished the session bam he was straight into the next one" I slapped the table tilting my head to the side hoping autumn would believe my lie. "Sounds like he pushed you quite hard if you had to do back to back workouts" I nod "mm hmm"

"You must have been at it for quite some time if you needed a whole day to recover" autumn continues. I tilt my head again "it was the whole weekend literally just went on for two days straight I only really stopped for sustenance just to refuel and carry on" I nod. Autumn shakes her head and I thought I was busted but she asks if it were that intense why didn't I just turn the YouTube channel off. I bite my lip "I didn't um really want to, to be honest I mean if I'd stopped first honestly I probably would have eaten my words and truthfully I just wanted to keep up with him although my god he had energy for days I don't know where he gets it all from but after the weekend I woke up Monday morning I could barely walk so um I knew I needed just the day off just to try and um refuel and uh rehydrate" autumn is glaring at me as I finish. I back away and simply bite my lip hoping she hadn't figured it out. "You're talking about my brother aren't you?" She asks. I sit there for a second "um" is all I can say. She's still glaring at me. "Did I not hide that very well?" I add. She shakes her head "not really".

"I'm so sorry" I tell her apologetically. She sighs before finally deciding to use it to her advantage. "I will let you have that If" she doesn't finish her sentence so I prompt her to continue "if you never bring up what winter and I used to do in the nursery ever again" I nod numerous times before replying. "Okay yeah that seems like a fair deal okay so we're square" she nods "yea although I am really struggling to keep my breakfast down after you said you couldn't walk" she gives me a sickening look and she looks green. I raise my eyebrows not going to say anything for a minute until I come up with an idea of what to say "to be fair though I did see winter limping one morning okay I think you've literally just got good genes in your family"

I had to do the questionings of both of them after their weekend together!

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