Chapter 9

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Reece's POV:

I was contemplating wether to call Marjorie or to get back to work finally decided that I couldn't work I picked up the phone dialing the sister nursery's number and waiting for her to pick "hey you" I say when I hear the ringing stop "big brother" I spit out the drink I'd been drinking "autumn what the bloody hell are you doing answering the phone?" I ask her.

"Marjorie's in the rooms today I can go get her if you want" I breathe out a sigh. "Yea please" a smile crosses my face as I wait impatiently for Marjorie to get to the phone. "Reece what's the matter? Do you need one of our staff to cover we're already short staffed as it is"

"Should've known with you working in the rooms" I nod even though I know she can't see me. "Anyway wanna go out to that restaurant again?" I hear her thinking it over before replying that she'd love you "pick you up at 7?" I ask questioningly. She replies yes before hanging up.

Marjorie's POV:

I was very surprised when autumn called for me to take an "important" phone call. When I heard Reece's voice I thought that maybe he needed someone to cover so before he could speak I spoke up saying that were short staffed as we were but to my surprise he only wanted to ask me out. I was rather excited and sat there with a goofy grin on my face autumn breaking me out of my thoughts. "What'd my big brother want? Oh and you're needed in the rooms again now that you're done" I shrug to her first question and nod and when she says I'm needed in the rooms again.

Charlotte looks up as I enter nodding in greeting "what was the important phone call about?" She questions me. "Oh just Reece asking me out" Charlotte bites back her laughter as she  answers. "That's cute but what was so "urgent" as autumn put it for Reece to ask you out" she thinks out loud. I shrug "I don't know guess I'll find out tonight" I smirk at the thought of hanging with Reece. Even though we'd been dating for a few months I still got the same giddy feeling whenever we were going to hang out.

You'll find out in the next chapter why this date for them is so important!!

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