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Bring the pain

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Bring the pain

Pain comes in all forms. The small twinge, a bit of soreness, the random pain, the normal pains that we live with everyday. Then there's the kind of pain you can't ignore. A level of pain so great that it blocks out everything else; makes the rest of your world fade away until all we can think about is how much we hurt. How we manage our pain is up to us. Pain. We anaesthetize, ride it out, embrace it, ignore it... and for some of us, the best way to manage pain is to just push through it. Pain, you just have to ride it out, hope it goes away on its own, hope the wound that caused it heals. There are no solutions, no easy answers. You just breathe deep and wait for it to subside. Most of the time pain can be managed, but sometimes the pain gets you when you least expect it, hits way below the belt and doesn't let up. Pain, you just have to fight through, because the truth is you can't outrun it, and life always makes more.

- Meredith Grey

It was raining heavily, which was normal for Seattle.

Alex had just brought Izzie home. They are standing on the porch.

„I had a good time." Izzie opens the door „Really. Thank you. It was the perfect evening. Best date ever." the blonde adds being sarcastic. Alex calls her name but she ignores him, continuing with her little speech.

„You know I especially liked the part where you treated me like crap the entire night."

„That was fun. I had a good time."

„Really?" she asks not believing him.

„Yes." Both of them move closer. Just about to kiss as Alex steps back.

„I have to go." the man leaves.

„Seriously? Seriously!" Izzie slams the door shut. She walks the stairs up to George's room. She turned the lights on.

„Seriously!" she repeats waking the boy up.

Izzie orders him to make some space for her on the bed. She lies down next to him. Th boy next to him starts to complain.

„Shut up."


Now Meredith and Derek are on the porch. Meredith is mad at him because he hasn't sign the divorce papers yet. Meredith opens the front door.


„What!" she shouts at him.

„Oh, I usually just say Meredith and then you yell at me. I haven't thought past that point. I actually didn't have anything planned." she hits him over and over again with her purse.

„Ow! What is that?"

„Seriously? Seriously!" Meredith exclaims.

Meredith walks also upstairs in to George's room.

„Seriously!" she lays down next to George on the other side.

„This is a very small bed." the boy in the middle states.

„Derek is a brain surgeon." Meredith sits up and says.

„I look fantastic. I shaved my legs!" Izzie says.

„He's a brain surgeon! How can he be so brainless?"

„Hello? Seriously?"


„Shhh" George taps both of the girls shoulder.

Then the power goes out.


So far Seraphina was having one of the worst days possible.

She woke up pretty late and had no time getting ready. Her hair was greasy, her skin was breaking out and she overall was just a mess.

And to top it all off, it was raining heavily.

Sera just walked out of the attending lounge, fixing her hair as she spotted the interns.

„Does any of you know if Shepherd is busy?" Sera had finished putting her hair in a high ponytail.

„You look—„

„Horrible? Thank you." Seraphina ended the sentence for Christina.

„Shepherd has something planned but if you need an neurosurgeon, doctor Olsen is free for now." Sera frowns as Bailey mentions Nick.

„I think I'm good. But thank you." the brunette walks away to the E.R. having nothing else to do.

Soon Alex and George catched up to her.

"What happened to you?"

"What do you mean?" She furrowed her brows.

"Well normally you're super hot but today..."

"It's not even that bad." She speeds up a little and asks the nurse at the front for a case.

"Hey, I'm Doctor Shepherd. How can I help you?"


Sera was standing once again at the desk finishing a chart.

"Hey, didn't see you today." Addison handed her a coffee.

"Thanks, I was in the E.R the whole time. Did you talk to Derek?"

"Not really I was looking for him. You know, I just wanted to say to him that.." Addison answers. Though sera doesn't really listens. Something different catches her attention.

Nick was talking to a nurse. A good looking nurse who looked to be his age. The nurse was very touchy and flirty with him. But he didn't mind. Nick laughs at a joke she made and touches her arm.

"Seriously? Seriously!" Sera still kept her gaze on the scene in front of her.

"What? Should I not mention that? Oh god sera what do I say to him!" Addison starts to panic.

"Seriously?!" Seraphina repeats before storming away. She didn't even register that Addison was still talking to her.

Seraphina slamms the door shut and starts pacing around the room.
She was sad and angry. Angry that he still makes her feel things. And that she still loves him.

"Oh fuck you." She courses as she realised that she started to cry. She felt pathetic. She should be over him. It was more than a year ago.

Derek walks in expecting no one, especially not a crying sera.

"What happened?" He walks closer. She doesn't answer him still crying.

"I'm so so sorry for not telling you that I was going to get married. And sorry that I never called. And that I used to make trouble and-" Derek just shush's her and hugs her.

"No, I could've called too. It's not your fault and I'm sorry for being so stubborn about it." He rubs her back and mumbles in her brown hair.

"I missed this." She had stopped crying.

"I know you did."

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