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After that little moment with Derek, sera felt much better. She was relieved that she could talk to Derek again now that there's nothing to fight about.

Though she was still sad that Nick was moving on while she couldn't.

Back in the E.R Sera is treating another patient as a heavily pregnant woman comes in.

Her husband is right behind her trying to calm her down.

Sera asks an intern, who was standing next to her, doing nothing, to take over.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Shepherd. Can I help you?"

"Yes!" the woman throws her hands in the air.

„Alright, let me take you to a room." seraphina gently guides the woman out of the E.R. Trying not to cause a bigger scene as some people were already looking at them.


„Hey are you by any chance single?" Seraphina is in the elevator with Rosalie on the gurney. 
„I mean you look very pretty. I would be a shame if yes." This boosted the young woman's ego enough for the whole week.

„Thank you, that's very kind." she grins at the compliment.

They were on their way to a patient room so Rosalia could relaxe until the contractions are starting. Everything seemed fine during the examination.

The young doctor laughs it off. Not wanting to answer the question.

The elevator doors open and Nicholas walks in. He looks up from the file and meets sera's eyes. His eyes soften while she tries to avoid his gaze.

„I guess that's a yes." Rosalia smiles. Not sensing the awkwardness in the elevator.

„You know there's a good friend of mine, he's also single." seraphina could feel nicks gaze on her, waiting for her answer.

„I'd like to separate work and my private life." she replies avoiding the topic. But the answer was more directed to Nicholas as to her patient.

„Well that's sad to hear but I get you. You know I used to think the same. But then I met Josh, my husband. He was my college, and we just fell in love." Sera smiles at the story and how happy rosalia seemed.

She had once felt the same way. For Nicholas. She was happy with him. He made her smile even on bad days. He had shown her what true love and happiness meant. But things change. They don't last forever, even if we want them to. That's just how life goes. You need to expect the unexpected. Seraphina learned it the hard way.

„Well we never know what the future holds for us." the brunette eyes Nicholas who was leaning against the wall now. He was now studying the file in his hand.

Rosalia is about to say something when the lights turn off and the elevator stops. The emergency lights go on.

Everyone goes to grab ahold of something. To steady themselves.

The little impact makes Sera scream.

"Is everyone alright?" Nicholas asks once he remains his balance.

„What was that?" Rosalia asks looking around as Nicholas tries to use the SOS button. Seraphina goes to check on Rosalia. 

„We're stuck aren't we?" Sera starts to panic. Rosalia was stable just as her baby.

„No." nick says firmly. He moves to the doors and tries to open them. Since the button doesn't work.

„Just help me." Seraphina walks over to him to help. Hesitating a little. Nicholas tries it from the right side while Sera from left. Together they pull the doors. At the same time. The doors move a little making a uncomfortable noise.

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