Mutant Liberaton Begins

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We start with a news story that has shocked everyone.

News Anchor: Workers have unloaded all passengers save one in what had become a Coney Island nightmare. Any sudden moves and the wheel could come crashing down.

Firewoman: it's okay honey. Come to me nice and easy. Real slow.

As the boy slowly moved toward the woman, multiple bolts have broken off the Ferris wheel. The boy jerked and fell out of the cart and the woman rushed to and successfully grabbed onto him. The boy Walkman had been destroyed due to the fall. All of a sudden the the center of the wheel fell and everything was falling.

Until it all suddenly stopped. The Ferris wheel has directly over the news crew and it was being pulled back into its proper position. The boy and the woman in the cart were placed onto the ground.

News Anchor: Ladies and Gentlemen I...

The news reporter looks into the sky and sees someone she never thought. She then pointed up into the sky.

News Anchor: Art? Is that who I think it is?

The camera pans to Magneto and started flying away from the incident

News Anchor: Saving Humans?

Cut to the mansion

News Anchor: But while it's too soon to tell. How recent events will impact mutant-human relations. One thing is clear to both humans and mutants..

Scott is seen watching the news with a frustrated look on his face pauses the screen while Jean walks into the room.

Scott: *sighs* I don't get it Jean. Did the Professor not trust me?

Jean: Maybe we're seeing this wrong. Maybe he did it for us.

Scott then unpauses the news to continue listening.

News Anchor: Across the globe, reports are flooding in. Mutants and humans aided and saved by the former mutant terrorist who had gone missing after failing to launch a mutant rebellion following Charles Xavier's assassination last year.

People at the UN are seen listening to the new. Dr. Cooper is also listening to the news while glaring at the screen.

Denti is seen working his own project while also listening to the news.

News Anchor: And we're hearing the international community is closely monitoring the situation with some demanding this unlikely savior answer for his past crimes.

Meanwhile in the sewer a group of mutants have been tied up by humans with Sentinel blasters.

Callisto: *grunts* This is our home, you pig. It's all we have left. All you dogs left us.

Female: You think regular folks can sleep knowing you demons are down here, lurking?

Leech: Please, don't hurt Leech.

Then suddenly a pipe next to them bursted sending steam all around them. Then a voice becomes heard by all in the sewer.

Magneto: The depths you humans go.

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