Bright Eyes

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We start with the X-Men in at a funeral for Gambit who heroically gave his life for Genosha. The rain pours and the thunder rumbles down. Beast and Scott are seen walking with the casket as the others follow behind with an umbrella. The others sniffing and crying at the death of their friend. Nightcrawler is seen wearing a priest uniform and is holding the Bible in his hands.

They place the casket onto the platform as the others appear to be looking at the casket that contained their friend. Y/N looks at the casket then he looks at his hand holding playing cards his other hand holding onto an umbrella. Some of the people hold hands before Nightcrawler could speak.

Nightcrawler: Remy LeBeau would be the first to remind you that life, like the cards is wild. Yet he moved throughout his life as a force who believed better times lay ahead that luck always won. Per his kinetic gifts, Gambit had endless faith in potential. Yet he seemed so blind to his haunted by the life of bayou crime into which he was born. A sinner beyond saving. "Such were the cards," he'd say. I think he was bluffing. How could Remy, so tuned to potential, fail to see how his sins had made him into a hero?

Nightcrawler wipes his face from the tears as Jean also wipes away her tears. Y/N however is staring solemnly at his casket.

Nightcrawler: Every gambler has a tell. Modesty was Gambit's.

The casket is being lowered as the others all watch it go down. After a while Jubilee is seen crying and Y/N is also seen approaching her. He knees down to her and hugs her and she hugs back. Nightcrawler is also seen approaching the group.

Jubilee: How could she not be here? He saved all of us. He saved her. He loved her!

Y/N hugs her more and Logan puts his hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: She's going through it her own way.

Logan: Grief's a lonely war. Rouges gotta figure it out on her own.

Nightcrawler: Logan, you were spared witnessing what which Rouge, Y/N, and I saw in Genosha. What she battles is not mere grief. And our dear Jubilee is wise to be afraid.

Cut to Rouge

Rouge flys over the desert at high speeds before ground pounding the ground of a military base. She then wipes the hair out of her face.

P.A: This is a top secret United States facility. You are trespassing. Cease and...

Rouge then punches the ground and rocks strait hitting all of the soldiers and knocking them out.

Soldier: Fire at the mutant!

A tank then blasts at her but she jumps out of the shot and starts flying as the tank shoots at her. The punches the tank into a building causing it to explode. She is suddenly shot by the back.

Soldier: What's going on, man?

Rouge flips in the air and kicks the tank causing it to be upside down. She then picks up a tank that was upside down and hits that tank that was blasting at her multiple times. The hits she made from the tank causes them to explode. Some soldiers are seen watching the live footage. General Ross enemy of the Hulk is seen watching as he also drinks coffee.

Soldier: *gasp* See that? What do we do sir.

Ross: Gentlemen, need I remind you that we're standing in the same place built to hold the Hulk? Our intruder is an unhinged mutant from the swamp. She ain't no...

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