War Teaser

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Cable is seen infront of Madelyne and Y/N

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Cable is seen infront of Madelyne and Y/N

Cable: You have to get everyone out! He's coming.

Sinister appears behind Jean and Y/N.

Sinister: If only you knew the future we had in store for you.

Y/N is seen holding a stack of card while crying.

Y/N: I'm done.

Bolivar: While you X-Men have been holding hands, we've been placing dominos.

The hero's ready a battle stance and Deku is seen going back to back with a man. Roberto and Jubilee are seen talking to each other.

Roberto: You really think there's gonna be war?

Sinister laughs evilly and blasted his laser towards the X-Men. Sentinels drop from the sky.

Magneto: We shall not live out days wondering if we could have saved more.

Rouge has tears in her eyes and Deku looks angry.

Deku: Get in my way again and I won't hesitate to kill you!

Wolverine and Nightcrawler are see looking up into the sky. Both are shocked. Storm rides a horse with Forge in pain.

Storm: We face this as we always have.

Jubilee put her glasses on. Beast swings his claws as someone. Jean surrounded by a blue aura flys up into the sky. Deku is seen punching someone with lighting all around him. Nightcrawler swings his katanas. A shield is then thrown into the snowy ground.

Storm: Together.

A man is in the air losing speed. That is until his hand light up.

 That is until his hand light up

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