A new island

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" I see an island!" Yelled Nami

" LET'S GO NOW!" Luffy yelled.

" Are one of the log poses pointing to it?" Asked

" Yup! Actually for some weird reason all of them are, maybe that's the only island that's close." Said Nami, she's never seen all of the log pose needles point to one island.

" Alright looks like we're headed to that island! Franky! Let's get goin!" Said Nami.

" You got it Ms. Navigator! This is gonna be SUPER!" Franky yelled while striking his super pose.

After what seemed like forever (according to Luffy) they finally arrived at the island.
At first it seemed completely uninhabitabled, the landscape of the land was.... Weird?
For starters in one area it was super dry and the ground was cracking. Then about five feet away it was completely muddy, and what seemed like random tectonic plates being shifted all over the place. A random piece of ground would be as tall as a mountain but looked nothing like one. And the whole island was like this, almost like it couldn't make up it's mind on what it wanted to be.

" What's up with this place? Everything is like out of place?" Asked Brook.

" That's what I'm wondering, what's up with the random piece of ground not in the ground? Or why is it super muddy over here and dry over here?!" Said Ussop, he was starting to freak out a bit.

They continued to walk around trying to see if there were any signs of people, or any life for that matter. Until the stumbled what seemed like a small village. It almost looked abandoned.

The crew walked around looking for anyone, but so far nothing. Until they saw someone,
" Did you guys see that?!" Said Ussop in a scared tone.

" Yea.... What if it's a monster!?" Chopper said freaking out.

" Monster where?!" Brook threw his hands up scared out of his mind, not that he has one....

" Who goes there?!" A strange voice called out.

" IT'S A MONSTER!" Ussop screamed out in terror, Chopper started to scream too scared out of his wits.

" Will you shut it!" Nami yelled at Ussop and hit him on the head.

" Sorry...." replied Ussop who was now on the ground beaten up.

" Who are you and what are you doing here!?" The voice called out again but was no where to be found.

" I'm Luffy and I'm going to be kind of the pirates!"

" You can't just go around saying your name, you're a wanted man ya know!?" Nami yelled even more flustered that she has to deal with yet another idiot.

" Well they asked who we were, it'd be rude if we didn't answer!" Said Luffy annoyed.

" And what would you know about manners?!"

" A lot." Replied Luffy.

Nami was about to lose it, " Nami my dear let me get rid of this idiot for you!" Sanji swooded over her.

Inez walked over to where the voices were coming ignoring her crew who now we're all fighting, except for Robin and Chopper who were laughing at the sight.

Inez walked over to some bushes and saw a little girl.

" Please don't hurt me!" The little girl screamed out.

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