everything goes not so according to plan

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The straw hats and Inez did what they were told except for Luffy of course.

With Zoro, Nami and Chopper:

" Did you take out all the guards?" Nami asked Zoro.

" Yea I got em all." Zoro said putting his swords away

" Do you guys know where the keys are?" Chopper asked.

" Hm, check on the guards." Nami replied

Chopper found the keys on the guards, " Got them!" He exclaimed

" All right let's unlock these cages and get these people free!" Said Nami.

Zoro, Nami and Chopper walked over the first cage and unlocked it. The slaves there were all dumbfounded as to why they were being let free.

" Guys follow us we'll get you to safety!" Nami yelled ushering the people to get off their asses.

Nami saw children and her heart shattered into a million pieces. " Zoro Chopper! Unlock the rest of the cages and get everyone out! I'll take care of the children!" Nami yelled at the two.

They nodded in agreement telling everyone to follow them. The two unlocked the rest of the cages and led everyone to the back door.

" Hey don't be afraid I'm here to help." Nami bent down to one of the children helping them stand. " What's your name sweetie?" Nami asked in a sweet tone.

" W- Wendy." The girl replied.

" That's a lovely name, my name is Nami. Do you think you could tell your friends over there to come with me." Nami asked kindly

The little girl nodded and went over to her friends, after a minute she came over with the rest of her friends. " My name is Nami, and I'm here to help. But I'm gonna need your guys help. I need you to help me bring the other children to safety. You guys are so brave can you do this one thing for me and you'll all be free." Nami asked in a time unfamiliar to herself. When it came to children, she was weak. She couldn't stand the sight of young people being held against their will just how she was. The children all nodded their heads with a smile. " Good! Now follow me everyone!"

Nami and the children went to the other cages helping the children. After everyone was counted for she led them to the back door. There she met Chopper, Zoro, Robin , Franky and Ussop. " Is that everyone?" Franky asked.

" Seems so " Nami replied.

" Get them onto the ship and out of here!" Nami yelled. Franky nodded along with Robin and Ussop. The three led the people onto the ship they had 'found' and made sure everyone was on. " All right guys stay here with them and we'll go check up on the others!" Nami yelled.

" You got it Nami! For I brave Captain Ussop will protect this ship no matter what!" Ussop yelled holding up his slingshot with pride.

With the others

" There's Marines every where!" Sanji yelled while kicking away Marines.

" Are some of these guys even Marines?! I mean some aren't wearing the uniform!" Brook yelled.

" From what I heard these guys aren't Marines they act like them but their really people who work for the celestial dragon! " Inez yelled back.

" YOU GUYS SUCK!" Luffy yelled grabbing the threes attention.

" YOU DON'T HAVE ANY MEAT HERE?!" He yelled in anger punching the guys sending them into a wall.

" ARE YOU SERIOUSLY THINKING ABOUT FOOD IN A TIME LIKE THIS!" Sanji and Brook yelled at the same time, also hitting Luffy on the head.

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