A plan or just food

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Small and quiet laughs had been sent around the living room. And Sanji who was on fire, literally that Inez was so close to Luffy.

Nami and Robin smiled at the two, Inez was laying beside him, her head dug into his chest while his arms were wrapped around her waist. Their legs intertwined and light snores could be heard from the two.

Both Luffy and Inez slowly started to wake up hearing laughs. Inez's eyes shot open and she sat up realizing what was going on.  Luffy slowly sat up and yawned. " Care to explain Inez?" Said Nami with a grin.

" It's not what it looks like, I swear! We just accidentally fell asleep, I promise nothing happened!" Inez started to panic she didn't want the crew to think something was going on between her and her captain.

" Shishishi, she's right we accidentally fell asleep! " Luffy started to giggle since everyone else was, all but Sanji of course.

" We're just messing with you Inez, we know nothing happened!" Nami teased her.

Inez sighed glad that the others hadn't thought that they did anything. Inez looked over at Luffy and he gave her a warm smile, her stomach went crazy. It felt like she had butterflies flying all around her stomach. A small blushed creeped upon her face and she quickly looked away.
Could she really have feelings towards her captain, she thought to herself. She shook that thought out of her mind knowing that he'll never feel the same or even think about something to do with love.

~time skip~

The straw hat crew walked around that small village trying to gather as much information as they could about Terror.
Inez and Luffy had stayed with Ophelia, Inez planned on staying with Ophelia alone but Luffy begged to stay with her so she let him. Ophelia told Inez everything she knew about him and tried to help think of a plan.

Then screams could be heard from outside, the small group paused on what they were doing and quickly went outside. That's when they saw him. Terror...

" Who's child is this?!" He called out, holding Mina by her hair. Ophelia ran over to her child begging him to let her go. " She's mine please sir let her go!" She begged.

Inez came running up beside the two,
" Why should I?! She ran straight into me! I give you people everything, and this is what I get in return!" He screamed in both Ophelia and Mina's face. Inez was ragging at this, " Please sir let her go and take me!" Her mother called, " Ophelia no!" Inez responded.

" Oh and who might this lovely lady be?" He asked with a grin on his face.
" It's Inez, bastard." Inez said with disgust. Terror grinned, he threw Mina down and grabbed Inez by her neck.
" Get o-off of me bas- bastard!" She chocked out. He grinned even more, and threw her down on the ground. She coughed and caught her breath. She stood up and punched the shit out of him, gasps could be heard out from the village. " DON'T EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN!" She yelled out in anger.

He stood up and left, without saying a word he just left. Dumbfounded Inez ignored him and helped Ophelia and Mina. " You guys okay?" Asked Inez.

" Yea, we'll be fine. Mina's just a litt spooked is all. I'm gonna take her home." Said Ophelia as she was holding her child and rubbing her head. " Take her home and the both of you get some rest. I'll come by later, Kay?"

Ophelia nodded and left for her house,
( Kinda forgot the crew was there oopies poopies )

Luffy was pissed and started to follow Terror, thankfully Inez caught up to him in time and stopped him. " BUT HE HURT YOU! " Luffy yelled. " Yes, I know, but we have better things to worry about right now." Inez out her hand on his shoulder giving him a smile. He smiled back and hugged her, " I'm glad you're okay." He whispered to her. Again, Inez felt butterflies in her stomach and a blush creeped upon her face. " Of course I'm okay!" She told him with a big smile trying to hide her blush.

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